
A few questions on showing in-hand (english, in UK)

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i'm showing my horse in-hand later this month, in a racehorse to riding horse class (basically like an in-hand riding horses, but for ex-racers) i have a brown bridle for this and a black bridle that i use for everyday riding but i have a few questions -

can i show in a pelham when in-hand, or do i have to use my snaffle?

does her mane and tail have to be plaited?

can i wear my jodphurs, long boots, shirt, tie and black jacket? (i have a riding class later in the day)

do i need a coloured browband like ridden riding horse classes?

are quarter marks mandatory? or are they illegal?

thanks (: (P.S. don't bother to answer if you don't know what i'm talking about)




  1. It depends what type she is; if she's a hack / riding horse type she would be turned out differently to a hunter.  (Both are eligible for racehorse to riding horse classes.)

    Regardless of type, she will need to be plaited.  A hack or riding horse should have a ribboned browband; hunters wear plain.  Quarter marks are neither mandatory nor illegal - used correctly they will accentuate her good points and draw the eye away from any bad points.

    For a hunter you should wear a tweed jacket, for a hack or riding horse it should be navy but black will do, and you shouldn't be penalised for black.  Riding dress is fine for an in hand class, but strictly speaking you should wear your riding hat if showing in riding dress; otherwise, plain beige trousers and a smart waistcoat - and you may be able to wear your riding jacket, depends on how it is cut and if it looks daft with other trousers!  Shirt and tie is correct - you shouldn't be in a stock.  

    You cannot show in hand with a pelham - it'll have to be the snaffle; in-hand horses should be shown with a plain straight bar bit on an in-hand bridle, but that rarely happens and a good quality brown riding bridle with a simple snaffle is fine.

    Good luck!

  2. Its all personal choice!!! I would personally use a snaffle bridle, with the reins over the head or a newmarket chain and lead. If you use a pelham bridle makesure you have the 2 reins.

    If you decided to use the coloured browband bridle, then i would put on quater marks and sharks teeth and also plait up to make her look smart.

    If you use the plain bridle, then i wouldnt give her quarter marks, but i would probably plait her main atleast!

    As for yourself, you can wear what you want, but i would also wear your hat and some gloves to look a bit smarter.

    good luck

  3. Hi!

    I don't normally show ex-racers in hand but i have a couple of times, I mostly show my fillys, broodmares and colts.

    I feel it depends on the colour of horse, whatever colour(brown or black) goes best with her colour show her with that. Bay coloured horses look lovely in both but i prefer to show in brown.

    I would show in snaffle but your aloud to show in Pelham in most Shows. Whatever is most comfotable.

    No but if she's an ex-racer and has a nice mane and tail i would plait them as it looks much most neat. On cobby horses I don't as i love my Gypsy Vannders mane and tail flowing everywhere.

    Yes you can. If you wear a pair of gloves that will add to your and her apperance.

    No you don't need a coloured browband. But if you wear to chooze one take the second answers advice.

    They are not illegal or mandatory. Your choice!

    I would also pull her mane and tail to tidy her up a bit. And also if you get a blue and gold browband you can also get a matching tie from asda which adds to the apperance.

    Good Luck!

  4. id recomend the brown bridal and a snaffel bit, her mane and tail do not have to be plaited it is personal choice, you can wear you riding studd as long as it is very smart, you do not need a coloured browband again personal choice and i dont know the answer to the last question sorry :) xx

  5. i would use the brown bridle dont ask why but judges seem to prefer brown!

    I would go for a fancy browband for that extra eyecatch.

    you can use your pelham if you feel more comfortable but just double check the schedual to make sure a snaffle isnt mandatory but it's never mattered in my experience.

    Quarter marks are just another way of catching the judges eye. its personal choice.

    general showing is alot about turnout too so i would plait her up.

    you can wear your riding clothes yes alot of judges prefer you to be in a riding hat for safety reasons.

  6. If i were you i would show in the snaffle - first impressions and all that, milder bit.

    If it is showing in hand you should plait her, seeing as she is not a native breed.

    You should wear smart clothes - they sound fine.

    If it was a class for hunters you should keep everything simple but for light horses coloured is ok.

    Hahaha - of course they are not illegal, quarter marks will look lovely on her.

    good luck and i hope i helped

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