
A few questions regarding puberty (male)?

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Okay I have some questions about my body..

1. I am 16 almost 17 and I barely have any facial hair at all, I mean hardly any! Most guys at my school have a lot more than I do, I only have to shave once every 3 or 4 days.

2. When are penises supposed to enlarge? Is 5 and a half inches small? I have pubes and armpit hair so I'm starting to worry.

3. I know I have always been a late bloomer, I was 5'2'' as a 14 year old but now I'm 5'10'' so I am probably almost done growing. Can I still grow taller and get more facial hair!

AHH please help I'm so confused.




  1. The average p***s length of an adult male is 5-7 inches long, so you are already in that range. You can be in puberty into your 20's so just try to relax and be happy that you have what you have and you have arrived at puberty. Yay you!

    My facial hair was pretty scragley into college. That was also when I grew taller (finally!). If you shave it a lot it may get thicker and more hairs should start to get more visible as well. Shave your whole face like you have a full beard and mustache, not just where there is hair.

  2. 1.    Frequently facial hair is more apparent in the 20's for some.

    2.    You are already adult average, and may continue to have more penile growth into the 20's.     I reached my maximum size at 18.

    3.    Yes, you can still grow.   There is no definite end to puberty where it's easy to tell that it's stopped, and some guys continue later than others.

    Of course you're confused.    This is a difficult time for all guys, and everyone's worried about normal growth and development, together with your hormones kicking in, and everyone goes through it, and you'll get through it as well.

    Try to relax and enjoy life.

  3. idk. it depends when you started. puberty lasts on average for about 5-6 years.

  4. 1. Some guys don't have facial hair and they're in their 20's

    I don't have much either and I shave every week! :O

    2. 5 1/2 inches is average size, and they still grow during puberty!

    3. Yes! You do have a bit more time to get taller!

    PS: Don't worry about facial hair, a classmate of mine finds it a hassle trying to shave everyday...

  5. Hey, I'll be seventeen in a couple of days.  My p***s is five and one fourth hard, five inches around and one and a half across.  I have a little armpit hair, it's noticeable, but not thick or dark, and I can grow facial hair in about a week.  So I'm basically almost the same as you, so maybe we'll grow more.  Hope this helps!

  6. this is not a problem ..its normal for some boys ..dont worry about it bro..

    just let it happen naturally ...after all its not like you are competeing with any one ..

  7. Don't sweat the facial hair.  I'm nearly 20yo and ain't got none at all.  It's hereditary with me.

    5.5inch is fine.  The average adult caucasian is 6 to 7 inch.  And you will likely grow you are fine.

    And yeah you can also grow taller too.  Most guys grow until 18yo and some up until 20yo.

    Don't worry dude.  You are perfectly normal.

  8. Hi there. I am going to try to answer your questions.

    1. This isn't really a question. I'm sorry it bothers you that you don't have much facial hair yet. Many teen guys do not.

    2. It has probably grown a lot already and you might not have noticed. There is a good chance it will grow some more. In any event, that isn't small. That's perfectly fine, average, and normal.

    3. Yes, you may still grow taller and will probably get more facial hair.

  9. Sounds like you got a lot of good answers. I didn't have to shave till I was 25 and it sucks so don't wish for that. Now I shave my head and it sucks even more. Other than that it sounds like your doing fine and you still have a chance to put on another inch or two in height but even if you don't your still a good height. Being 6'2" I can tell you that being tall also has disadvantages. Don't sweat it life is tough enough without worrying about things you cant control. Be happy!

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