
A few questions with a kitten?

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I'm getting a small kitten tmmrw i already got food and bathroom stuff for it / toys. Um how do i not let my small chuwawa dog rip it to pieces?

Like he got along great with are other 7 cats but we gave them away so now he is the baby of the house and he gets really jealous, i want him to get along with the kitten.

And does the name Cookie Mix sound cute :P




  1. i would expect even a kitten to be able to hold his own against a chuwawa (i dont know how it is spelled either).

    i would separate like the first guy said, but i would be more worried about the dog.

  2. Don't let the chihuahua see you bring the kitten in the house.  It'll make him jealous.  

    For the first day or three, keep the kitten in a "safe room".  Let it have a small, stress free area to explore while it gets used to the idea of a new home and new smells.  Keep in this room his bed, food, litter box, toys, etc.

    Take a towel or shirt and rub your dog with it.  Make that part of the kitten's bed.  Also, take another shirt or towel and rub the kitten with it and give it to the dog.  That way they can get to know each other's scent.  Introduce them to each other by letting them each approach a closed door, and have treats for each of them.  That way they will be yet more familiar with the smell and associate it with something good.  If there are two of you, each animal can be showered with affection at that moment.  When they seem cool with that, let them be together in small doses, preferably with the dog on a leash so that you can restrain him if things get ugly.  Eventually they will graduate to full-time housemates.  

    Finally, be sure that each one gets plenty of affection (especially in the presence of the other) so that neither has a good reason to feel jealous.  

  3. ~*~*~*~

    you had seven cats and gave them away??  why on earth are you getting another one?


  4. You're going to get tired of calling the kitty Cookie Mix. You'll end up just calling him Cookie. Hahaha. But, I think Cookie is a cute name.

    You need to introduce the chihuahua to the kitten. Let the kitten be in a place he is secure. Preferably higher up than the chihuahua. Like on the couch. Leash your chihuahua. Don't let him up on the couch, but let him get close enough to see the kitten, and for the kitten to see him. If he tries to bark, or lunges, pull back a little on the leash and say no. Do this only for about five minutes the first time you introduce them. And keep reintroducing them until they don't view each other as threats.

    Don't leave them together unsupervised until the kitten is as big or bigger than your chihuahua, if you're really concerned about this. Once the kitten is bigger and has been around the chihuahua enough, it shouldn't be a problem, because by then, he'll have means to get to higher grounds if he needs to get away.

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