
A few words I do not understand?

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Some words I do not understand in Spanish


un cortado

bocadillo de jamon serrano

un trozo de tarta de chocolate




  1. "un cortado" it is said when you ask for a cup of coffee. It consists on a small cup of coffe with some milk (not much indeed, only a little pour). In somewhere it is called "manchado" too.

    "bocadillo" it is a snack made of a piece of bread divided into two sides along the middle in which ham is extended.

    "serrano" is highland, mountain

    then "bocadillo de jamon serrano":highland ham snack

    "un trozo de tarta de chocolate" it is said "a piece of chocolate pie"

  2. here this website will help you its easy

  3. "un cortado" can mean a variety of things in conversation. Its literal meaning is "a short one, a brief one, an abbreviated one, a cut one."

  4. 1 I don't know. we don't use that word in Mexico

    2 A snack of serrano ham

    3 a slice of chocolate cake

  5. I covered this in a Spanish lesson a few weeks ago. Apparently un cortado is a term used in Spain for a coffee 'with a dash of milk'. Although I must admit I hadn't heard the expression before.

  6. 1. 'Cortado'

    'Cortado' has a few meanings in Spanish: It could be (a) a cup of coffee with some milk or (b) a slice of something, usually bread.

    2. 'Bocadillo de jamón serrano'

    A 'bocadillo' is either a snack or a sandwich. 'Jamón serrano' is salted ham that has been cured by drying, normally sliced paper-thin for serving, and the specific word to translate it is 'prosciutto', which is pronounced  / pro-SHOO-to /. So, 'bocadillo de jamón serrano' can be translated as 'prosciutto sandwich'.

    3. 'Trozo de tarta de chocolate'

    A piece (or slice) of chocolate cake.

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