
A file in one of my yahoo groups will not fit on my page to print. right tab is too far to get all info. Help?

by  |  earlier

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i tried to get text size smaller, but still cant get all to fit. Her tabs

are set all across page instead of paragraghs. What can I do to fit for my 8.5x11"paper?




  1. are you group owner? if you click edit, then sellect the whole body and copy it to another area like Word, it'll fit correctly.

    if you're a member opening that text file, for whatever reason that's how Yahoo makes it end up, (whoever created the file didn't do that in other words) but when it's sent out as a reminder it generally fits properly. if it's not an out going file to the group, you'll have to then copy and paste it else where, and work with it to make it fit page wise

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