
A follow up question to one of mine. Can you answer please?

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If a young person has suicidal thoughts but doesn't hurt themselves, will they be okay?




  1. its kinda like getting sick. if you dont do somethingto heal it. it can get worse

  2. it depends on what the suicidal thoughts are. if its when your really upset about something and think, itd be better if i was dead, maybe i should kill myself, theres a good chance youll be perfectly fine. but if your seriously thinking it, and know that you will actually kill yourlsef then you might want to ifnd some help

    only you can know if you will actually kill yourself or not

  3. no ive had friends that have killed themselves but have showed no signs but hurting themselves i suggest you get help and i know its gonna be hard but it is twice as hard on the people that have to deal with u not being there anymore  

  4. If you are having suicidal thoughts, you might be depressed.  Depression usually needs treatment by both medication and therapy.  

    Thinking about suicide is a symptom of depression.  Try and talk to someone to get some help.

  5. A young person is depressed and so has suicidal thoughts but at this point in time doesnt want to hurt themselves, will they be okay?

    It depends on whether that young person is able to talk with someone about it in real life.  If they are able to go to someone and talk about what they are feeling and why they are feeling that way.  Then you see they may be able to get an idea on how to handle the problem in the first instance so that they dont slip back into feeling suicidal.

  6. Self-destructive thoughts are always harmful as they signal that you may get a sudden impulse to hurt yourself or others.  You are a treasure to yourself and others although it may not seem so now.  There are people who will help you if with counseling and guidance.  Get the help and re-learn how to love yourself because just being here was a billion-to-one shot.  And you still haven't exhausted your luck.  Just stop with all the self-criticism.

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