
A forest poem, may I have your comments please?

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Walk gently in the woods

Moss and leaves cover many pathways there

Paths of healing and of hunting

Flowered in seasons

From snowdrops to bearded violets

Jack in the Pulpit and Pink Ladyslipper

Trillium both red and white

Loose-strife and Boneset

Canada lilies hang like jeweled crowns

Tiger lilies sprout among the foliage like heralds' trumpets

Joined by daylilies in yellow, brown and orange

Spikes of lupine and larger ones of foxglove

Cohosh and varied mints

Wintergreen called Bearberry.

Look, the footprints of a black bear

Headed to his shallow den to hibernate

Walk gently not to wake!

And there the prints and scat of the deer herd

paths where fox and wood chuck cross.

Life surrounds in all its vital force

telling tales of struggle and success.

Walk gently, for you are part of all that is,

Smallest orchids and highest trees.

The paths whisper at your passing

Trees sing their songs to the wind.

Sight and scent welcome your presence,

Bird song, locust, and peeping frogs

Delight with symphony

Katydid and cricket respond

A field of flowers takes flight

Flutter in scattered sunlight.

Taste earth's goodness in berries sweet,

Black and red raspberry, gooseberry tart and sweet,

Blueberry, thimbleberry and small wild strawberry,

All adorn your path as well as puffballs, morels, and chanterelles

Walk gently as you gather and enjoy.

© November 30, 2007 Albert K. Jungers, All Rights reserved




  1. You present an immense amount of sensory detail. I like that you implore the reader to walk within this world you've painted.

    Here were a few lines that really stood out to me:

    The paths whisper at your passing

    A field of flowers takes flight

    Flutter in scattered sunlight.

    Bird song, locust, and peeping frogs

    I'll have to reread this again to draw in a full sense. You have a lot there, and I want to take in more of the specific details.

  2. It is not inappropriate to say "Take off your shoes, you stand on holy ground".  And I haven't tasted a bearberry since I was a little girl but this brought the flavor right into my mouth!  They grew all over the woods

    where I grew up.  This was a visit to the best of my childhood.  Thanks, I needed that!

  3. This poem engages, not only all the phyical senses, but the deep seated human sense of spirituality as well. It is exceptional in its expression and in its depth.

  4. a good thing to start the morning with

  5. A botany primer replete with a primer on life and our role as part. Very enjoyable.

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