
A form of cheating. ?

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my boyfriend of 5 years was caught looking at another woman, who is his friend, on a webcam topless. Unintentional clicking pointed me to a screenshot of the whole thing.

This has happened in our relationship before. And I kept telling myself if it happens again I am over it.

I know I am one of those girls who continue to let it go which only makes it ok to let it happen again. I really do love him and I dont want to break up but at this point, I just dont know what to do. I dont feel the same as I used to. I need serious answers from people with real experience, not teen advice.

i have already confronted him and i just feel like i dont know whats going on. i cant even think about it. all i see is the screenshot replaying in my head. is this cheating? is it ok to forgive someone in this situation? how do you go on?




  1. Hey there. I know what you're saying, i've had past experiences like that. My ex boyfriend of 2 years did the same thing, plus many other bad things and physically cheated on me as well. I do believe that's a form of cheating. You don't know what else goes on in his time when you're not around. Perhaps she's not the only woman he's watching topless on webcam. If you forgive him too many times, he'll think its okay and do it even more. I've forgiven my ex many times, but then it got too out of control so I ended it. I hope all works out for you.

  2. It's one thing to look at random p**n on the internet of someone he doesn't know. It's quite another to look at a "friend" naked. Do you really think that's all he's doing?

    It's cheating and it's time for you to end the relationship. He'll never stop doing it to you. Can he really love you if he continues to do something that he knows hurts you?

    It will hurt to move on but you should be with someone that loves you and deserves your love and trust.

  3. It's not actual cheating but it's behavior that says he's well on his way.  It's wrong for him to do that.  Confront him about it and ask him why he keeps doing it.  Tell him your ready to end your relationship with him over it and spend some time away from him.  He needs to know you are serious, even if it means leaving all together.  


  5. Unintentional Clicking? I doubt  that was 100% true since ya been burnt before sweetie.......

    You ever heard the saying once a cheat always a cheat...With the internet today there is a new one

    Once a peek always a peek!

    Main problem is all of this leads to bigger things......from meetn' etc

  6. try growing up, it will help.

  7. Honestly i couldn't have forgiven him the first time but you did and there is not that can be done to change that. This time around though i don't know if forgiving him is such a good idea. I know you love him but there must be some part of him that doesn't love you, yes this is a form of cheating he knows this woman and they were doing inappropriate things together. When you confronted him what did he say? Did he say he wouldn't do it again? But if he says that how do you know for sure...You don't. If you really want this to work go to marriage counseling and see if it can be worked out. But honey if he is doing this on the computer with a woman he knows chances are they are doing more in person, i am not saying yes he is sleeping with her but if he hasn't already sooner or later it will lead to that. I would let him go, you deserve respect.

  8. Like you said this is not the first time and it won't be the last and if this is what he is doing now when you are still dating think about after 10 years of marriage.. what will happen then? I am sure much more than just looking at pictures of topless girls.

    It is really hard to walk away from someone who treats you well and makes you happy and loves you.. but end of the day love is not enough, trust and fidelity overshadow love and if u have to keep checking up on him every day to make sure he's not straying away then you won't be happy with him in the long run.  

  9. webcam me a naked shot and its even!

  10. Sadly to say, this day and age, there are many ways to cheat, both physically and emotionally. Him looking at a "friend's b***s" on the internet is emotionally cheating, which MIGHT lead to physical cheating. People cheat for many reasons......stress, loss of job, life changes, etc. Maybe you need to be creative, maybe he has become bored in the bedroom, or with married life in general, he might feel like he is in a routine rut, which does not make it okay by any means for what he is doing, but he is obviously  looking for a thrill and this chick is giving it to him. I would confront him and her and ask what the h**l is going on. ~good luck~

  11. You a bit of a quack, creative thinking too,

    now looking at a woman online is called cheating.

    Cheating is when one of the parties screws around

    when they are in a sexual relationship.  You

    learned something new today....

  12. yes he is cheating. not by looking but i'm sure he is doing more than looking

  13. you know web cam is different than just normal p**n.  this is a real live woman doing what you want her to do for you.  especially if it is a friend.  what does he say when you confront him?  i would say (my opinion) that yeah, it is cheating.  really if they are talking and stuff.  i say time to move on.

  14. It's a cheap thrill...but I wonder why the other woman would make the effort to create such a photo and send it to your man.  What are her intentions? He should not encourage such behavior from his's thoughtless and hurtful to you...and who knows where it will lead. Check out his other means of communication and see if you are surprised by those as well.

  15. Well first of all you can't come on here and ask us if something is cheating.  That is defined by the type of relationship you have. Different people have different definitions of cheating.  What you have to do is ask him why he does it.  If you don't like the reason then you can tell him that.  He will either say that he won't do it anymore, or he will say that he doesn't think it's a big deal.  You can't really ask someone else how you "should" react.  You should do whatever you feel is the best thing to do.  Asking for other people's advice will only cause more problems because other people are simply not in YOUR situation. Only you know what will make you feel at ease.

  16. Doesn't sound like just friends to me!  How many male friends do you let see your b***s?
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