
A form of communication from a Spirit or Entity???

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EXAMPLE: Say you are having paranormal activity in your home. The entity is quite menacing. Suddenly you have an incredible urge to draw or write about things you have not seen or been to. You become overwhelmed with intense emotions while doing this.

Is this a form of communcation from a strong entity, trying to make you see?

If you allow yourself to subcome to these emotions & needs are you inviting this entity to gain more power?




  1. Yes, this is called "autmoatic writing" and it is a form of communication with ghosts that has been used for years.

  2. Theres automatic writing, which ive never done before...but there have been times, when im in an altered state, feeling like someone is sending me pictures of things or places, or thoughts, and i either draw them down straight away or write them, it feels like its been channelled through to me...The results are quite amazing, i keep them all in a book...sometimes they make no sence what so ever...til later......

  3. i would not allow it.  I would call on God to banish the spirits.  It would take a lot of strength but I am not about to let something I cannot see nor hear try to push me around.  If its trying to force me to do something, it seems pretty oppressive, so I would consider it demonic and treat it as so, even if it wasn't!  I don't trust any spirits. Would you like it if a living person came into your house and forced you to draw something when you had better things to do???  I think not!

  4. Yes yes and yes. This is your empathic nature picking up on the emotions of a spirit. I do not know why you would feel that this spirit is menacing, as you do not detail your account but I am feeling the menacing part is something you projected on to it because you are afraid.

    Automatic writiing is quite an incredible thing to do....and t if you let it happen it is quite amazing. Please ask spirit to protect you before you attempt this. Make sure that you ask to remain safe while doing this and to only let what you can handle occur. Picture yourself wrapped in a white light for protection. I am not worried about possession or anything like that but just the sheer weight of taking on another persons feelings or emotions can be quite heavy. This spirit wants to tell you something that happened to them, I would feel honored. Remember this spirit is dead, so cannot harm you. The most it can be is irritating by invading your personal space and so you must set the ground rules for this as well.

  5. Well to be honest, that sort of thing happens to me all the time. Being overwhelmed by intense emotions sounds like empathy (clairsentience) and an urge to write or draw doesn't sound menacing. It isn't gaining power by doing that, it's only telling it's story through the medium. The only difference with me is that I have spirit guides who control whose allowed to come to me.

    Demons and negative spirits gain more power through your fear, so a spirit who was out to gain more power wouldn't try to communicate, he'd try to rattle you. They know your fears and they use them against you. It's different then just a spirit insistent to speak.

  6. See this usually happens when a spirit is trying to contact you.

    A ghost or spirit is invisible sometimes to the human eye it cannot reach out and touch your or try talking to you this is a rare activity that pursues.

    A ghost can mess with your surroundings and give you mental even physical emotions to draw a picture of them they are giving you energy to draw something because this is there message to you.

    Drawing in a way you have never drawn before

    (Say you are a bad artist but when you feel the need to once paranormal activity start you draw amazingly) This is said to be the ghost's hand guiding you on the piece of paper giving you mental deceptions and sending a subliminal message on the piece of paper.

    Think a picture comes in your head and you start to draw it

    This will be just a piece of the puzzle to the ghostly or paranormal trying to connect with you

    Kind of like premonition anyways bye I'm off ^^

  7. You're not inviting it in, you are just acknowledging that he or she is there.  That maybe all they need in order to passover.  I hope you aren't having to tough a time with this.   Best wishes.

  8. This is what happened to me...with the poems in rhyme/ drawings/bulletin boards.....and being drawn to people and places. I don't know how I could have kept from doing was so strong. If I had known it was evil (if it was)..I would have held onto something. time I did..after some terrible things were done to me...I was trying to sleep (on a carpeted floor) & something was pulling me and drawing me and telling me to kill someone in the room. I held onto the carpet and kept saying "Jesus" over and over and over...and it finally went away. I KNEW that was wrong...but I didn't know if the other things were wrong..or not.They seemed good. I still don't know. But at least when you KNOW something is wrong or bad.....put all your energy into pulling away from it.

  9. Yes,any time I write or do anything I regret.Or succumb to intense emotions.I blame it on spirits or entities..As yet it has not worked.They blame me anyway.

  10. You're just being paranoid. Drink some rootbeer and mull over the fact that ghosts do not exsist.

  11. I think this is a form of automatic writing. A spirit who finds that it can influence a person may be emboldened by the ability and therefore gain strength. This can also be seen as vampirism or incubus/succubi - the host would become tired and almost lifeless (loosing their will) but will be able to churn out limitless amounts of artwork, and writings.

    Psychiatrists would probably think the person to have some sort of psychosis and treat them accordingly.

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