
A four year old and a game system which one would you recommend ? He wants one and it is his birthday...?

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A four year old and a game system which one would you recommend ? He wants one and it is his birthday...?




  1. um, NONE.  He's far too young.

    Get him a leap frog!

  2. portable playstation they are small and easy and fun

  3. eh, something educational

  4. I understand the protest that parents have about games and consoles.  I know that its all about parental control.   Only allowing an hour or maybe two on the weekends.  control.

    I know that the new system Nintendo Wii has about 100 games that will allow your child to play games from Spongebob to go Deigo, to puzzle games, even games that are knowledge empowering games.  Even for the adults.

    Good luck.

  5. Leapster LMAXX

    It is educational and can be taken with you anywhere or hooked up to the TV.

  6. A leap frog is awesome. But a nintendo ds is very portable and u can take it anywhere  and theres alot of games for his age group! Depends on the money you want to spend, u can also get a portable leapfrog!

  7. My 4 year old daughter has a v-smile and loves it. There is a hand held and one that hooks up to the tv. They only have learning games so she gets to learn and have fun at the same time. Even my 8 year old son likes to play it.

  8. Wii...I have a four year old niece that loves it!!  It also keeps them active so they aren't just sitting in front of the tv all day. It is something the whole family can enjoy as well.

  9. He is too young for anything other than leap frog. There are some really educational games you can get. Or some educational computer games.


  11. My son just turned 4 in June.  I recently just bought him the NEW Leapster 2 game.  It is handheld so it is just like the other games out there (like his sisters Nin. DS).  HE LOVES IT... Hasn't put it down in three days...

    He is so cute when he plays it... It has coloring on it, matching colors and shapes, music, animals...

    And it has three levels 1- being easy (colors shapes, noise) and level 2 - sound, letter, numbers, etc....

    I was worried he wasn't going to understand it - boy was I wrong - he had it worked out on how to use it within 2 hours...

    And it comes preloaded with some games but you can buy different games for it... He just got backyardigans and Diego...

  12. My twins just turned four and one of their birthday presents was the Fisher Price Smart Cycle. The LOVE it!

    We love it because the "games" are educational and they "ride" the bike so they aren't just sitting still and playing a video game.

  13. The leap frog suggestion is a good one, but if you really want to get him a game system, try a gameboy, it seems to have more kid friendly games.

  14. I'd definitely recommend the version of Leap-pad that is best suited to his/her age. Check it out.

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