
A friend asked me a strange question... (please read)?

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I mentioned to a friend of mine that my fience and I were thinking about trying for a baby in about 6 months. And her reply kind of made me think, she said "don't you want to wait till we're all ready, so you're child won't be lonely growing up."

Is this normal? Do friends really plan children together? It honestly never crossed my mind. I use to be the single one and never thought about that. But now I'm in the relationship and most of my friends are still in the new part of they're new relationships or still single. I don't think she's right, and I don't plan on having my children around someone else's schedual. But was it odd for her to ask?




  1. My mother and her two best friends planned their babies together, somewhat. The only difference was that they were all married for awhile, and had been talking about it anyway. The three of them had 3 girls, me being one of them, they were my best friends growing up, and pretty much still are.

    I would love to have been able to plan it like that with one or both of them, not everything works out though. Neither of them are even interested in getting married right now. I did joke that one of them needs to hurry up and get knocked up so our kids could grow up together because we had dicussed it before, it was just a joke though.

  2. It was weird to ask. You are two different people. I would never plan my children around someone else. If she gets annoyed when you tell her that you refuse to have a baby when she's ready, then she really isn't that great of a friend.

  3. I think it is odd for her to ask that.  Lots of times, friends end up having children close in age, but it is just a coincidence.  Besides, even if you waited, there is no guarantee that your child would be that close of friends with your friends children.

  4. kinda strange, maybe it was a joke?

  5. I think it was a bit odd of her to ask, but you never know these days. The heck with what your friend said, you try when your good and ready! Who cares if your friends dont have kids when you do. There are people their age that they'll meet in school and all. I've heard of this too so I'm not that shocked but you should do as you and your boyfriend plan.

  6. that's strange.  How weird.

  7. Me and my brother and sister have had kids together but no one planed it we all just got pregnant 2 or 3 times together. I think it is weird that she would want you to wait. Do what is best for you.

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