
A friend has told me that that where she lives in Hastings,?

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The council and wardens are walking aroung in plain cloths ,to catch people dropping a ciggy on the ground , and fining the person £75, my God what are we coming to in uk, IY SEEMS THE COUNCIL ARE MAKING TERRIFIC MONEY FROM THIS , where was /are/ these people when you so often see drunks and people spitting in the street.can the council not use this time for something more useful ?




  1. Good for them.  We don't want disgusting people leaving their disgusting litter everywhere.  Take it home or get fined - sounds good to me.  Have some respect for your environment and other people.

  2. just about sums britain up

  3. Britain is a rubbish place to live, the country has gone to the dogs.

  4. You are not obligate to join in and give them a single nickle, just act like a decent citizen and don't litter.  I guess I would have to ask the opposite question, my God what is the world coming to if people actually think it is OK to just dump their trash anywhere for someone else to pick up???  Pretty tacky!!!

  5. Point is, if nobody dropped their rubbish they wouldn't make any money from it. Then they would maybe start looking at the other annoying things

  6. How else can Hastings Borough Council make money. They certainly don't from tourism!! :)

  7. I wonder why some of these people don't walk away with a very bloody nose or do they just pick on people who they know won't give them one

  8. More people smoke out in public and drop their cigs on the ground, therefore council is making more money than they would with people being drunk and I don't think this is a law that prohibits spitting...=/

  9. simple answer dont drop and you wont get fined!! that way the dont make money.

  10. That seems a mighty steep a price to pay for littering, a bunch of government types don't get enough money from taxation so they play gotcha with the population at large.

    However smoking is a vile habit anyway and people should not just throw their slimy butts on the sidewalk or the street.  I mean do you p**s on the sidewalk?

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