
A friend is being mean . We were close 4 years ago ..but now just hi -bye..!!?

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my aunt happens to be this friends younger sisters Mom in law.

obviously I'm close to my aunt.

this girlfriend of mine .. is funny.

we are not friends as such any more. back in 2004 we were close. but after we both had our kids (i had twins) we got busy and in particular i had no time to talk chit chat .

now this so called friend seems to be jealous of me or what ...

she told her sister ..that >>1." barley (me) is so immature . she keeps fighting with her husband ... does not respect him. if my husband was like this ...i would have treated him like king.

2. then my kids and her daughter are in same school . so she keeps asking the teachers about how "my" kids are doing ... and do they talk??

her daughter was was in some other school . but she got her admitted where i enrolled my kids)

the weird is that post 2004 i barely share any thing with her ,.

she told her sister " that i have many secrets of barley".

What am i supposed to do??

she sent text message to my husband about "happI'mRamadan"

and im supposed to be her buddy ... so why would she sms to my husband??

she told her sister.." that barley has holidayed all the years she has been married. why cannot she be supportive of her spouse??

PS> she has no clue about my life .. my bedroom life etc .

i dunno why she is doing this!!!

I ignore her as 2 years ago her husband went to my husbands stall in an exhibition and took pics of his samples( my hubby's)

they have proved to be jealous of us all thru ..but im quite upset at what to do.

her husband called me 6 months ago requesting mer "not to tell" her my lifestyle and how i holidayed.

again i didn't argue with her husband.. i was surprised as i had not spoken to her since ages.. had not told her anything .

oh she told her sister " that barleys hubby gives her lot of surprises'

again she has no clue whats up in my life.

i'm advised to get off from her slowly .. and not let her be aware .

plus my mom and aunt both say she is a "bad" person and that its best not to get into dirty arguments with her.




  1. i shall tell u my situation,when my frends are mean to me i be kind to them,because God knows what is going on and He will really punish them who don't follow his rules. remember one thing "living in favourable and unfavourable situation is part of living,but smiling in all those situation is art of living"donot repay evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.

  2. scan ur pc for virus and malware and then run a system estore

  3. you like to make moutain out of nothing why cant you just ignore her and next time anyone of them call you whether her husband or herself just do as you dont know them from adam.

  4. I'd say you should take the high road and not talk to her. Let her say what she wants, you don't have to react to it. Let your childrens' teacher know your wishes about not sharing information with this person and be done with it.

    Let your aunt know that you are done talking to her and to please no add fuel to the fire. I think she will get bored after awhile and leave you alone. It might have months or sadly even years so you need to be patient. Always remember that her behavior do not dictate yours. Take the high road and let her make a fool of herself. Keep your children out of this as much as possible and try to do just go on as if she wasn't a problem. Be polite, but do not be friendly, there is a difference. It doesn't sound like you have to have much contact with her, which is good. Ignoring her will not give her what she wants, which is attention. If you take out the attention and don't react then she will see that people will stop caring about what she even says. It might take a bit, but it works. Good luck.  

  5. Really do not get into argument, do not confront her. If she is like this way, talking to her will bring more trouble into your life. Ignore her and her family. Sms back to her husband from your husband's cell phone "Thank you (her name), Happy Ramadan to you and your family too." I can imagine how annoying it gets, but there is not much that you can do, if you do not want a scandal. Just exclude her and her family out of your life. I hope teachers do not discuss your kids, or your life with her. And what is your husbands relationship with there family? He should cut it off too. Anyway good luck.

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