
A friend of mine wants to give me a lilac crested amazon. he said it is about 20 years old. he does not talk

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i want to know if he can still learn to talk or is he to old to learn.




  1. Ask your friend with this bird if they talked often and regularly to this bird.

    Amazing as it sounds, many people expect thier bird to talk on it's own, I guess. Birds are like young children, they learn easier and faster when young, but can learn when older.

    Take your time to make friends with this new bird and a good way is to talk to him alot, even from other rooms in the house, he will hear your voice and that will give him comforate.

    Taking a bird just for the talking abilities alone isn't a good reason.

    Many birds like Afrian Greys that are well known for talking, don't always talk.

    First is good health. Ask question's of the owner. This bird been vet checked, had atleast a swab and cbc? Any sickness?

    What does this bird actually eat daily? Fresh vegetables, some fruit, seed mix and pellets, or what. Let them tell you. Birds need more than seed for good health. Is this bird a screamer, play with toys, if so what are his favorties? Cover the cage at night? What time is his bed time and when does he wake up?

    Is this bird hand tame? Has he been kept caged all the time or is he out on the cage during the day or a bird stand?

    Lilac Crowns are nice birds, but people can distry even nice birds if they aren't cared for well, so ask question's before you take on the responsibility.

    You might go to these sites and read and learn-

    Type in Lilac Crown Amazon - when you get on this 1st site -

  2. he probibly knows how to talk.

    some parrots just don't like to.

  3. The short answer is, yes, you can still teach the bird to talk. It just takes patience and repetition. Some birds are more apt to talk than others, regardless of species.

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