
A friend of my husbands wedding?

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Ok a co-worker of my husband is getting married this weekend and I DO NOT want to go. He plans on attending but would I be wrong for not going?.....I don't even know this person.




  1. The wedding is this weekend so you've either already RSVP'd yes or no.  At this point, you need to either go or not go depending on how you RSVP'd.  Honor your word.

    Generally, it's better to attend social functions together as a couple, rather than you only associating with your friends whom you had prior to getting together and he only associating with his.  Ideally, his friends become your friends and yours become his.  Obviously there can be individual exceptions to either of the statements I just made (e.g. 2 weddings on the same day--your best friend and his, or a night out with the guys), but overall, it's best for you and your husband to be a social unit.

  2. Honey, you would be attending FOR your husband, as his wife.  Your husband knows him and that is all that matters.  

  3. I think you should go with your husband and consider it a business function.  He might not really want to go that bad either and is doing it for business reasons too.

  4. If you already RSVP'ed yes (or your husband did for you), then you need to suck it up and go unless you had something really important came up. It is way to late to back out just because you don't want to go. Its one day, you don't have to stay for it all.

    If you didn't commit, you are fine to not attend.

  5. I thought people did things as a couple once they were married, I think you should go.

    If your husband is going anyway it would appear that this is something he wants to do, you should support him and be with him.

  6. You should go with your husband and at least make an appearance but if your husband is fine going on his own then don't go if you feel that strongly about it.  Keep in mind that he probably has gone places with you that he would rather not be going to.

  7. The decision is up to you, if you do not know the person and do not want to go the wedding, it will not look bad. The people dont know you so it does not matter.

  8. The short answer is that you and your husband should attend social events as a couple. If he is committed to going, you should go with him. You will know at least one person there -- your husband -- and your social skills at this event may help advance his career or his social standing. And even if no such chance exists, you should go to show society's approval and support for the institution of marriage, which is the cornerstone of social stability.

    But as always with etiquette, the issue is more complicated:

    Did you get invited to the wedding? If you were not invited, by name, then you should not attend. In fact, if you were not invited by name, your husband should refuse to attend out of solidarity with you: you were snubbed and he should not tolerate it.

    Did you or your husband accept the invitation on both of your behalf? Each member of a couple should check with the other before accepting such a social obligation. Even if there is no "R.s.v.p." written on the invitation, you should write a note accepting or declining (old traditional standards say that writing "R.s.v.p." on an invitation is insulting because the guests are supposed not to need such a crass reminder). Once one of you responds, you must both stick by that response -- it becomes an ***obligation***.

  9. How would your husband feel about attending by himself?

    If it were me, I'd try to be a good sport about it, attend with him, and have as nice a time as possible.  Even if you don't know that person, you husband may want someone with him.

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