
A friend? ?

by  |  earlier

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There was a girl who i got in a such huge fight in junior high that I left the school. For the past 3 years we have hated eachother, or so I thought. At Halloween one year she said she wouldn't mind if i came along, and I always wondered if she still wanted to be my friend again.

During the fight we both said some horrible things and both admitted we hated eachother (to other friends) but I used to be her best friend and now she was alone.

Last year we both arrived at the same high school, and although we see eachother often, we ignore eachother. Every time i see her she seems so lonely and sad and I can't help but feel bad. I hate having enemies and think it would be a good and fresh start to become friends with her again...the only thing is i don't want to make a fool of myself if she still hates are the clues:

1) she always stares at me and my friends with a sad look

2) when she is with her friends or boyfriend she unnaturally laughs as if trying to prove something

3) and i keep having dreams that we are becoming friends again...

so does she want to become friends with me again?

and should i make an effort?




  1. Yeah, say sorry, make up. It'll all be ok.

  2. if you want to be friends with her. then become friends.

    if you don't then don't.

    if you cant make up your mind write a list with two columns

    one saying friends and the other saying not friends come up with all the reasons why you should or should'nt become friends. if u come up with more reasons why yshouldn'td'nt become friends tdon'tdont. but if it is the opposite then become friends

  3. Maybe she does miss you maybe she doesn't. All you can do is try, I know it will be a blow to your pride if she doesn't, but you were the bigger person for approaching the situation first. Once you have the courage and are ready, just say 'Hey' to her one day and see what happens......

    Good luck

  4. Of course. Simple as that. ;)

  5. the question should be do you want to be friends with her? when yes make the effort you have nothing to loose and every thing to gain if she say`s yes.

    it takes a big person to make the first move and even if she knocks you back at least you know you would have tried your one can give any more than their best it something you could be proud of whatever the outcome,

  6. i think u should like talk to her like say something to her start a conversation and see how she reacts. if she greets u warmly maybe u should be friends. but u have to think about it.. why did u stop being friends in the first place...and if her friendship is worth it

  7. The is always no harm in trying and it may lead to a good things as well.

    The point that people angry and throwing bad words at each others is normal in the commotion of a fight. What is more important is after the fight can you guys mend the broken relationship.

    True answers is within the two of you.  

  8. first at least have a talk and admit to each other that you're not enemys

    then if a friendship happens

    then let friendship take its natural course =]

  9. dont do it!!

    shes soo she jelouse of you and your freinds

    why you ask?

    like you said "she unnaturally laughs as if trying to prove something"

    she does that because she trying be cool in front of you

    why do u think she looks at  u & ur friends with with a sad look

    she trying to get ur attention  to prove that she has friends and bf and living a good life !

    !!when she nothing! 0!

    your worth more than her!

    for get her!

    dont look at her

    ignore her dont give her attention

    because that all she wants!

    believe me she will come back running to you!  & kiss your feet!

  10. If both of you make the effort, and there are no hard feelings left, the friendship would work well. It sounds like she wants to be friends with you, and you should make an effort if you miss her.

  11. I really do think that you should make an effort to become her friend again, even if she doesn't mean to show that she wants to be your friend again or not. Usually what she's doing would be a sign of her wanting to become your friend again, but maybe not.

    Even so, it never hurts to reconcile and become friends again. After all, it's better to have someone as a friend than anything else. If she still hates you, then she still hates you. At least an effort has a chance of breaking through the stubbornness and hatred.

  12. your got more friends ignore her

  13. Just apologize, it will  help trust me... She'll be bound to repeat sorry to you. It happens a lot...
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