
A funny question????????????

by  |  earlier

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A king and his son go for hunting in a forest,when they were on the tour they saw the foot prints of two ladies.One was big and other was small.King said to his son if we found both the ladies we will marry.

I will marry to big foot print and small is yours...................when they found the ladies,,,,,,that was mother and daughter.........but problem,

the foot print of big size was daughter and the small size was of mother's but as per commitment the son married with mother and father with daughter but there is a question?/???????????

What are the relation of their kids<<<




  1. Grandchildren &amp; sons and daughters to the relevant person.

  2. hahaahahahahahahahahahahahahah......very weird relation

  3. hrmmmm i think the kids would be unless they marry eachoter....

    and besides the mother probalbly would not have kids

  4. funny question

  5.   A relation

  6. The king, being married to the daughter of his son&#039;s wife, and the son being married to the mother of his father&#039;s wife would cause the son to become his father&#039;s father-in-law.

    Any children the king and his wife would have would be half siblings to his son, however since they would be children of his son&#039;s wife&#039;s daughter they would be also be his son&#039;s wife&#039;s grandchildren. Making the son the grandfather of his half brothers and sisters.

    Any children the son would have would be both his father&#039;s wife&#039;s half siblings they would also be grand-children to his father.

    Therefore since the father&#039;s children would be siblings of his son, they would also be aunts and uncles of his son&#039;s children. Also since they would also be grand-children of the son they would also be cousins to the son&#039;s children.

    To take this to the improbable end. The prince&#039;s wife, being the mother of the king&#039;s wife would be the grandmother of any children born to the king, including her own husband, the prince. The prince being married to his grandmother would then become his own grandfather.

  7. some of the many permutations...

    1. father is son-in-law of his own son.

    2. son is the husband of his mother&#039;s mother.

    3. my head has started crashing so I end here, hope somebody else takes over.  

  8. This is already read in some books and also seen in televisions. But not fair.

  9. -_-

  10. hahahahaha very funny..........

  11. Yeah,there should be a word for that weird relation too.How about got-it-wrongs?

  12. That&#039;s weird and confusing!

  13. isn&#039;t this the question that the vetal asked king vikramadithya???

    sorry but don&#039;t know the answer  

  14. Cousins

  15. King (K) + daughter (D)

    Mother (M) + prince (P)

    Kids of K + D are granchildren of M and siblings of P

    Kids of M + P are grandchildren of K and siblings of D

    In relation to each other, the kids are cousins, but also neices and nephews and aunts and uncles to each other.


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