
A girl harrased me?

by  |  earlier

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while i went to the gym class, a girl touched my p***s intentionally, then she smiled, i was wearing gym shorts, was that harrasment?




  1. Any touching that is not consented is harassment  ...

    you knew that ...

  2. Yeah, lol if u want to think of it that way

  3. no this is ok behavior for a female.

    i was in a bar over the weekend and one was speaking to me on her toes while resting her free hand on my chest for balance, she was patting my chest to make her points and "absent mindedly" touching my arms.

    if i did this id get a drink over me fairly quick.

    : )

  4. Absolutely!

  5. In a crowded place, I once touched a woman right on her genitals.  she was fully clothed.  I didnt know it was a woman's body where my hands were or that I touched anything special.  

    she looked at me with her face distorted with anger and suddenly knew I was oblivious of the crime and started to smile.  In the next second I became aware of it and I ran like h**l before she started uttering a word.  This happened when I was 19.

    So, mere intentional touching will not constitute harassment, unless the intention was to (1) Obtain direct sexual pleasure from you or (2) Harass you.

  6. Yes. Unless she had your consent, it was harassment.

  7. Uninvited sexual contact is definitely not okay.  The difficulty is I guess proving that she did it intentionally.  If you do prove that, she may say that you were inviting it or something... you know, like that you flirted with her, etc.  It's the same if it was the other way around, like if a man harassed a woman.  It's difficult to prove because it's the whole "he said, she said" thing.  In your situation, it's even harder to prove since it has happened only once and is not necessarily an on-going issue.  Also, harassment can be expressed in verbal ways, like if she made derogatory comments in a sexual nature towards you.  Some people who experience on-going harassment even keep logs of some sort to keep records of the harassment, and to show that the actions were continuous and uninvited.  

    Next time you see her, just tell her that you think her actions are inappropriate and that you're not comfortable when she touches you that way.  YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO FEEL VIOLATED! =) If it doesn't cease, then let someone of authority know.  Hope this helps, and hope you feel better!

  8. In New York State, I believe her actions, if done deliberately,  would be considered sexual assault, not harassment.

  9. Yes, if you didn't like it.  If you liked it, it was lewd, but it wasn't harrassment.  If you didn't like it, she sexually harrassed you.

  10. No because you're a guy. It's all innocent when a girl does it. Thumb me down but it's the truth and it's a double standard. If you report this and word gets around to her she can flip the blame straight back to you. It happened to a friend of mine and he was the one who got suspended and reported to the police.

  11. If it was unwanted sexual contact then it constitutes sexual harrassment.
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