
A girl rear ended me during traffic on freeway, gave me her number?

by  |  earlier

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On my way to work this morning a woman hit me from behind. No real damage on my vehicle or hers (a little scratch on my car, but a pretty big scratch on hers). Anyways I found her attractive, I'm 22 and i think she's in her late 20's, and I just wanted to get to work on time so I said its alright don't worry about it. We didnt exchange information. But as I was about to walk to my car and drive off. She gave me her number just in case. Does that mean she wants me to call her? Help me?




  1. yeh call her! ... cuz if she was to have you car fixed (painted) she would've given you her name and the number to her insurance company (claims or such) ...

  2. Call and tell her that unless she has s*x with you, you will report the accident!......... Profit!

  3. DUH!!!

  4. Probably but she may have been being safe too. If she drives away from an accident and then you report it --- hit n run.

    Either way call it. If its a real # then ask her out.

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