
A girl with two mothers and a father

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Della called Wolf Kangro Wiley Richards, and is the first girl who has her birth certificate in three parents: two mothers and a father. This is not a complicated combination of selection of eggs and genetic material. Just them, Danielle Wiley and Anna Richards, are a couple of lesbians Vancouver, in the Canadian province of British Columbia, and he, Shawn Kangro, is a friend of the couple who was the sperm donor.

According to the Canadian media, this is the first case in which it has been possible to register a child with three parents, which allowed the amendment last year of family law in the province (the equivalent of a U.S. state regarding legislative autonomy). In the country, where a donor may know which children were fathered with his sperm, and there have been cases where the courts have recognized the right of the parent for his son, and that descendant about his father, but had been resolved in court after the child was born (some years later), and no baseline exceptional cases.

The initiative came from women who wanted to have a child. Like many L*****n couples, went to a sperm donor. But, contrary to what is usual, if they did not want the man of the future child desentendiera once their biological work. The chosen Kangro Shawn, was a college friend of Anna. He contributed the s***n and Danielle autoinseminÃ_ syringe.

"The two, from the beginning, we wanted to have a father who participate," said Wiley to local media. " I know that many L*****n couples do not want that. They prefer an anonymous donor. But to us, we liked the idea of ​​someone who got involved, it was a father figure to the baby. "

"As Anna and Danielle they asked me, I knew right away I was going to say yes, but I had to argue with myself a lot of things before," said the father meanwhile.

Once the decision is made, there was only solve the paperwork required by the regulation. To do this, the three parents signed a contract. It stipulates that women will be the mother of the child, and his guidance will be responsible for maintaining it. So to speak, will be the mothers in the traditional sense, and live with the girl. He stands as a guardian of the child if they are missing, and the family can visit whenever you want. You will also have a say in key issues such as having to do with small schooling or medical decisions. To do this you will be guaranteed access to their medical records.

This contract was the legal requirement in the state, although the bureaucracy gave them some drawbacks. Forms to register online baby were not ready, and neither wanted one of the three stay outside. Finally, after a couple of months, they managed to fix the paperwork.

Now, with the baby at home, "seems the most natural thing in the world, we are like any other family," says Kangro.

The lawyer who helped them throughout the process, barbara findlay, who insists on writing his name in lower-case, defines social change reflected in the new Canadian regulation: " In the old days, which prevailed were the biological and genetic links. And that's not true. Now to focus on the intention of the parties that contribute to beget the child, but also to nurture and train. And that's a really big change. "

Canada was the first country in Latin to allow marriages between same s*x. In fact, some of the states and provinces had already advanced to the state standard, and practically the biggest obstacle to the rule was trading with the national church (as in other Protestant countries, is a confession of the state), as the pastors have refused to hold such ceremonies.

However, the conditions for sperm donation are less stringent than Spanish. That guided practice is allowed, ie, that man and woman meet and even agree. However, in this case resolved by a home method, as it did not require a medical service for the process.

The new family says it has been very well received by the neighborhood in a city, Vancouver, west coast of Canada, and reputed liberal (almost like the neighboring Seattle, the U.S. side of the border).

"The child has three parents and six grandparents for spoiling that," said Richards. Do not rule out having more brothers by the same method.

 Tags: father, girl, mothers


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