
A glacier moves by__________ and ______________?

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A glacier moves by__________ and ______________?




  1. There are two ways in which a glacier moves - basal sliding, and internal deformation.

    Basal sliding includes three ways of moving - bed deformation, creep, and basal slippage. Bed deformation is likened to "roller skate" movement, when the ice is carried by saturated bed sediments on the valley floor. Creep is when the ice moves plastically around an obstacle due to high pressure, then refreezes on the other side of it. Basal slippage occurs when meltwater between the glacier and the valley floor/sides lubricates the glacier.

    Internal deformation involves either laminar flow, or intergranular flow. Laminar flow is when individual layers move within the glacier (often these are layers of annual accumulation). Intergranular flow is when crystals of ice reorientate and move in relation to each other. These generally only occur when the glacier is on a slope.

    Hope this has helped!

  2. the wind

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