
A golf question ..its about aiming with the driver

by Guest33296  |  earlier

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well every time i hit with the driver it always goes to the right how can i make it go in the middle lol

i even aim more to the left and still goes to the right

does anyone have any advise




  1. i have the same problem and i'm taking lessons, partly to correct the problem. my coach told me that to correct your aiming, you should exaggerate the opposite... meaning that if you want your ball to go more to the left you should exaggerate your swing to make it go more right. he taught me this trick to use  to demonstrate this theory... what you do is when you're holding the club and about to swing, let the club kind of rest on the ground so you can rotate your hands back, to the right, or clockwise (which ever way explains it best). so now you feel like when you swing the blub face will be more open so the ball will go more left. actually --if done right-- the ball will go more straight. it also helps to move the ball forward in your stance so the club has more time to square off and hit the ball.

    good luck hope i helped =]

  2. Partially it's because you're swing the club like a baseball bat. Make sure instead of bringing it back towards your ear make sure the head of the club is up towards the sky, more vertical than parrallel. having it towards your ear makes you put some spin on the ball. if you go up to the sky you hit the ball square and no more slicing the ball. If you're a righty and you hit the ball to the right it's a slice and the left means you're pulling the ball. Hope I helped

  3. Is the ball going straight to the right, or is it curving from left to right (a slice)?

    If it's going straight to the right, you're "blocking" the ball, which means your club face is actually pointed right when you are making contact with the ball.Turning your wrists at impact can help with that, as does making sure you are getting your hips turned. If they don't turn at impact, your right side is left behind and the club faces right.

    If it's a slice, it's either your alignment or your swing plane. Make sure you have your feet both lined up straight at the target. If you have an open stance (left foot pointing more left) you'll come across the ball when you hit it, causing the spin that results in a slice. Also you can try bringing the club back behind you more on your back swing. If you bring it back too far outside, you'll also come across the ball.

  4. Your backswing starts to the outside of your hands so when you start the down swing you are cutting across the ball imparting a spin which sends it to the right.. On the backswing try to keep the club parallel with the shoulders at the top with the head pointing to the intended target line. Then follow that plane, in reverse,  through the point of impact with a complete follow through with your tummy facing the target.

  5. What makes it do that is when your about to hit the ball your club is aiming to the right, which causes it to go right.  Try and feel like your playing tennis and try to rotate your wrists over (like when the tennis players play those topspin shots.)

    If that didn't help, see if you can book in for a group lesson or a lesson by your self and get the coach to fix you.

    (P.S. aming further right nearly always makes it worse!)

    Good luck!

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