
A good, descent career?

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im rly confused...i seriously dunt know what to become when i grow up... i should already have something in mind but i dunt!

i originally wanted to become a dentist cuz they get paid a lot! XD

but i heard its extremely hard.. so i decided to quit dreaming abt it..

then i thought abt becoming an archer coz they're not that hard and u don't rly need to study a lot for it XD~ and u could get paid a lot if u go to the olympics and get a gold medal XD!!

but still...that's a longggg way to go!

i asked my parents one time and they told me to think abt the things that i enjoy doing...but seriously i couldnt think of anything~ even now.. i cant think of anything that i enjoy XD

and to be honest i've never been EXTREMELY interested in anything!

so my question is what is a career that:

1) u dont have to study tooooo hard on

2) earns a lot of money

3) is fun and enjoyable!!

thanks! it would mean a lot!! plz help me make up my mind XD




  1. First, think about what your interests are - what classes do you like most in school? That may help you find a field that you'll like. But you have to be realistic - there are reasons why only a small number of jobs pay really well. Maybe it's a job that requires a lot of education (like a dentist) or maybe a job that requires you to work long hours (like many management jobs). There are not any shortcuts when it comes to having a well-paying, rewarding job. The only career I can think of is to be self-employed with your own business. You'll probably work longer and harder than if you just had a job, but it doesn't feel that way because you are building something for yourself and keeping much more of the profits for yourself. So start thinking of some businesses that you would like operating.

  2. If i was you i will still keep my dream is nothing wrong to be a dentist plus like you said you can get a lot of money special the way the that world it is. Don't let nothing or no one stop you to do what you want to do from the beginning because if you don't do it no one will do it for you ..and if i was one of you parent i will not give you the answer that you receive from them.I will said to you son if you first dream was became a dentist go and try it and if it don't work out found something related to that field but don't stop trying because you like it and you need the money..and don't forget money it don't grow in the bag tree you have to work hard to get..Good luck with you dream and don't  let anything stop you.Good luck againg.

  3. how about a clown in a circus!!!  i am retired now but i always thought that would be a fun job!!!

  4. Okay I know just how you feel, i was in the same situation myself.

    You need to do some research. Did it ever occur to you that just because somebody else says dentistry is hard, doesn't mean it is? Maybe its just hard for them, some ppl are dumb you know. What i'm saying is, don't take their word for it. Find out for yourself if it would be hard. Use google, there are lots of web sites from there with career information.

    Becoming a dentist would require 8 years of study, somehow I dont think that is what you are after. Use personality tests, type into google Free Personality Test or Free Career Test.

    Also think about your strengths - are you good at talking? If you find out what you are good at, you won't have to study as hard as if you do something you're not suited to.

    You could try being a recruitment consultant? They just have to interview people and do a bit of selling and they earn a lot of money, like a trainee can get around $75,000 just for being a trainee, and you don't have to have schooling, just find a company that will train you. Or, if you can work your way up to a Manager's position in a big company you can earn great money without necessarily going to school. You could also study an Arts Degree at Uni, which covers a whole range of subjects (not painting and arty stuff, they just call it "arts") and if you studied that it would open up a lot of doors for you career wise. you could work in publishing, marketing, advertising etc, heaps of fields.

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