I'm going to Russia very soon and I will be living there for about 5 months with a host family (but w/ lots of contact w/ Americans). I've had a semester of Russian in college, so I have a fair grasp of the basics, but I need a phrasebook of course. I already own a Jiffy Phrasebook (German) so I'm rather partial to it, but my friend was recently in China for a year and she suggests that I purchase a "Lonely Planet" Russian phrase book. She said it helped her a lot, and it doesn't shy away from topics other books might (such as phrases concerning adult topics, though she had no need for this in particular). I don't need such phrases, but I don't want a book that might omit some things, like how to say something like "tampon". And I read that Lonely Planet has some serious spelling mistakes (which I don't know for sure). I need a good phrasebook with a lot of phrases covering many topics, and I'd rather it didn't have a dictionary in it (that takes up space). And it should be compact. ty