
A good (affordable, reliable) car for a young teen driver?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I'm a rookie at this whole yahoo answers thing but here goes :)

I just turned 16 about a month ago and got my driver's license. Thus began the days of high insurance for my parents. Now I'm really going to strain them financially by asking for a car. I'd like to get some opinions on one possible option. I've been sweeping through the daily classifieds and keeping an ear to the ground for a good deal. Today I found a 1998 Chevy Cavalier Z-24 coupe. Actually I've got a lot of questions. Is this car usually reliable (the ad says so, but....)? Is the insurance going to be the demise of my plans? Is there a catch to the $1800 price? Is this car considered a sports car by insurance companies? At 16, should I put my $$$ towards something more important? Cost is my #1 enemy. I can basically pay for the car myself. I can work more hours to pay for the gas. I live in a 60K pop. city in Iowa. I can squeeze the relations for $$$ (I'm only child on dad's side of family). I'm a good driver and good student. I need a good argument to convince my parents. lol

Like I said, if you think I should be smart and save my $$$, tell me that too. Be honest :) Thanks in advance!!!




  1. WOW.  You are so mature for your age.  So many people here (teens) are always asking stupid questions like "I want a porsche, can I get it working at McDonald".  That was a real question.  At first I thought the question was a joke, but no the teen was serious.


    >>  Today I found a 1998 Chevy Cavalier Z-24 coupe. Actually I've got a lot of questions. Is this car usually reliable

    Actually any car with more than (say) 50K miles will all depend on the maintenance.  Same car owned by a home mechanic will out last another owned by a person who knows nothing about the car.  And old car NEEDS to be inspected by a mechanic.


    >> Is the insurance going to be the demise of my plans?

    Possibly.  But if you go under your parents plan (and the car would be officially theirs not yours, then it would be much cheaper).


    >>  Is the insurance going to be the demise of my plans? Is there a catch to the $1800 price?

    No.  It was a low priced car and it is fairly old.


    Having said all that. I own a 94 Civic with 187K miles. The engine and the tranny still runs like new.  And many people are reporting similar good experience.  Part of the reason is that (1) it is cheap to maintain (2) it is easy to maintain and fix

    I also hear that toyota have good record.


    >> I can basically pay for the car myself. I can work more hours to pay for the gas

    That depends on you and your job.  My 94 Civic gets 41 MPG on the hwy (very good).  In fact that is better than most new cars sold today.

    Good luck...

  2. I would have to say save up and get a nice four door car, you're young, so you'll have room for your friends in the backseat, and a little honda civic, a neon, or something along those lines are good starter cars, and good on gas and insurance, and with some insurance companies, good grades get you a little discount on your payment!

    Good luck, oh and welcome to Yahoo Answers!  

  3. Great design, resourceful information,user-friendly layout should be a good place to answer your questions.

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