
A good article on how McCain made his VP pick...thoughts?

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What do Republicans think about the fact that he wanted Lieberman again?




  1. Your question is rather mute at this point don't you think toots?

  2. They are friends.  There is no doubt he wanted to go with his friend, but he knew he'd lose the Republican Base if he did, and Lieberman is a great guy but he can not deliver the moderate democrats necessary to win.  McCain proved he is the candidate for "change" since Obama obviously picked the same old same old from W.DC and McCain went 'WAY" outside the beltway.

  3. I like Lieberman, but Palin was a MUCH better choice.  I couldn't be happier!

  4. what do you mean by "lieberman again"?

  5. Lieberman would have been a disaster. It would have caused a split with the GOP base. Palin may or may not get voters from the other side. But she will unify the Republican base.

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