
A good at home work out (For a Level 4 gymnast)?

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I'm trying hard to be able to compete in gymnastics next year.

But until my gym opens back up in a month, I need some tips on what to do.

I'm competing level 4.....

What are some good conditioning or workout routines I should do to keep up with my fitness?





  2. Stretch DAILY(i can't stress that enough)

    , espcially with splits and bridges. If you have access to a weight room, use it everyother day and focus one day on arms and upper body strength, another day on legs and stomach, and a third day on both.  if you don't have access to a weight room I suggest at your level you do

    ♦ 25 pushups daily (if you can't do that many do a less amount that still has you working hard and get up to 25 in a week, if you can do more than 25, awesome, and try to get up to 35 or 40) Also if you are advanced in pushups try different kinds, such as wide arm pushups, or "clap"/"pop" pushups.

    ♦ Do situps, I'd say at your level about 35-45 situps,

    ♦calfraises (50), and

    ♦ hollow body holds for at least 30 seconds.

    ♦Running also helps a lot. run around your block or up and down stairs.

    ***remember you don't have to do all these things in one day. Pick 3-4 different exercises each day and for a half hour to 45 minutes giveyourself a workout.(Don't forget to stretch daily too)

    if you can I'd also practice these skills:

    •handstands-practice squeezing tight, pointed toes, try to hold it as long as possible without falling over(you can never get too good for handstands, if you find them boring try doing a piruette or stag in the handstand to challenge yourself)

    • walkovers-important skill especially back walkovers for beam, the nicer it is on floor the easier on beam

    •jumps(catleap, wolf jump, wolf with a 1/2 or 1/1 full turn, straddle,hitch kick, ring leap)

    good luck

  3. Go to the "Y" and run and do some weight training.     Flexbility exercises you can do in your room at home.   If you want to be a real competitor, you need to build your stregth and flexibility.  

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