
A good book for the Birds/Bees discussion?

by Guest32265  |  earlier

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I think I may be having a very general talk with my daughter soon about the birds and the bees. I was wondering if anyone has come across a particularly good book for younger kids, that goes into details without too much detail.




  1. ..right before my daughter went into 7th grade, she was still 12 but turned 13 that Oct., I took her away for a weekend to a little beach town by us & we did a book called :"Passport to Purity" by Dennis & Barbara Rainey - it's for boys or girls..& it was a great experience..enuf info for where they are & for what's going on in their world today. I highly recommend it...I know many parents who have done it w/their kids.

    of course, James Dobson is all good - great stuff also!

    Be open/honest & keep talking...good mom!!  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚™Â¥

  2. The best book you could get is one meant for adults - a guide to helping parents have "the talk" with their kids, and outlines what is/isn't appropriate material for particular age groups.

    Trust me, she doesn't want to learn this stuff from a book; she wants to learn it from YOU. It will still be uncomfortable, but she'll appreciate it a lot more in the long run. Here's why:

    * If YOU teach her, she'll know she can talk to you about ANYTHING, no matter how uncomfortable it may be, because you've already established that trust with her.

    * If a BOOK teaches her, she'll get the message that it's something that shouldn't be discussed, and will lead to a lack of communication down the road.

    Talk to you child's teacher, school counselor, school nurse, or pediatrician and see what they recommend. There's a world of wonderful reference material out there for parents - they'll know the best sources.

    Good luck! :)

  3. James Dobson

  4. I don't know of any books but one thing I do know is don't beat around the bush. Say the words, not a slang term for it. Also, once you get home, keep the conversation going. Stay interested in her friends, if she has a crush on a boy talk to her about that.

    I don't think parents today do enough talking...its sad really.

  5. If they are really young and just need the basics, try Whats the big secret?

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