
A good deterant for slugs?

by Guest34017  |  earlier

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anybody know what could be put down to kill slugs in the house




  1. Salt.

  2. Salt - but it is a bit sad to watch!!

  3. I think salt is good, sea salt or the rocky stuff

  4. Thier is slug bait at drug stores. IN YOUR HOUSE. well carefull.

    salt just makes them die in a gross way. If your going to salt them that would make more work to clean them up.

  5. Salt it melts them

  6. You need to find out how the slugs are getting in, so that you can seal this area off. A safe and effective way to treat slugs indoors and out is Sluggo, which can be found at, here's a link: It contains iron phosphate and is pelletized, so you can either sprinkle it in window sills, under sinks, in corners, wherever you think the slugs may be getting in, or you can sit it in a small container where they can crawl through it, ingest it, and die. My cousin used this when she had a problem with snails in her kitchen. It worked great!

  7. A saucer filled with beer. They'll drink it, get drunk then die!

  8. From experience, ordinary ground white pepper burns their undersides. They hate it. Salt has a limited effect and they usually get over the initial shock by producing copious amounts of mucus.

    Slug pellets are best, but NOT good if you have pets or kids in the house.

  9. salt!

  10. Salt but un iodized is best or sea salt

  11. d**n, slugs in the house!!! Shut the door.

    You can get slug pellets from any garden centre that attracts them and kills them. They do make a mess though, Their insides kinda dissolve.

  12. Sheesh - everyone has posted the WRONG information!  The  best thing to use is sodium chloride!!!!

  13. my way would be broken egg shells or porridge where they are coming in because they do not like either.

    good luck h

  14. Buy them a subscription to the Daily Telegraph...

  15. salt

  16. Sprinkle them with salt, and put down some copper tube or wire where they come in.

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