
A good eco-friendly leadership oppurtunity for my school???

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hey guys. i was wondering if anyone had any good ideas that they maybe have thought of, or implimented already, etc regarding the preservation of supplies, or the cutting down of carbon emissions, etc. I have an opportunity at my elite private school to make a change for the betterment of the planet and I don't want to do something stupid. I want to actually get a good idea down and stick with it and hopefully make a difference.

My difficulty comes from the fact that I go to a "genious" school so alot of basic and mindless ideas such as biking to school are taken. An example of what we have done in our school already is provided ultra clean water for the main purpose of filling metal water bottles around the school rather than purchasing plastic water bottles which are bad for the environment.

anyone got any good ideas that i can possibly implement at my school?

thanks for the help guys




  1. lean how to recycle toilet paper

  2. Research the benefits of wind energy.  A local (tiny) rural school recently erected a wind turbine and it is already providing 70% of it's electrical needs and will pay for itself in 10 years.  A HUGE project but one that will make a HUGE impact for years.  

    What about point of use water heaters for the restrooms and other sinks?  Instead of a giant boiler only water needed is heated.  

    Plant trees.  Recycle ink cartridges and used cell phones and rechargable batteries.

  3. here is an idea, open your 'elite private school' to those who cannot afford to attend, give some scholarships-oh yeah, I guess it would not be so elite if that happened...unless of course you are in Hawaii, where some 'elite private schools' have only race as a requirement...good luck, and do not be surprised as you get older if others do not share your opinion of your school.

    ps, do they teach you to spell at this school, or is the word 'genious' different from 'genius'??  Also, your 'metal bottles' don't have any heavy metal in them do they??

  4. get solar panels put into the school, or if you've got that already then you can see if you can get them to use eco-friendly cleaning utilities.

  5. You can use pollution devices.

    Pollution control devices

    -Dust collection systems


    -Electrostatic precipitators



    -Baffle spray scrubber

    -Cyclonic spray scrubber

    -Ejector venturi scrubber

    -Mechanically aided scrubber

    -Spray tower

    -Wet scrubber

    -Sewage treatment and Wastewater treatment

    -API oil-water separators[2][3]

    -Sedimentation (water treatment)

    -Dissolved air flotation (DAF)

    -Activated sludge biotreaters


    -Powdered activated carbon treatment

    -Vapor recovery systems

    Hope I helped. :)

  6. Well we did this in elementary but I still remember it and it was fun...When you guys eat at lunch have each grade put their waste in the trash can...then weigh it and the losers do some hard excercise or cleaning...(not fun) and winners get COOL prizes (gift cards go over well)

    Winner=less weight in waste

    loser=most weight in waste

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