
A good head of hair is known as a man's 'crowning glory' so ...?

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A good head of hair is known as a man's 'crowning glory' so why the recent trend towards shaving the head?




  1. I can wake up, take a shower and be out the door in 10 minutes. Plus I really do not care about my hair. I have more important things to worry about.

  2. I ts mainly baldies who shave there heads, if you look closely you will probably see if they are or not

  3. Because everyone's perceptions of "crowning glory" are (gasp!) different?

  4. In the U.S. I think a lot of the head shaving is due to hair drug testing.

  5. To hide hair loss

  6. C'mon Cliffy has educated you a bit, perhaps with more time you,ll develop the intelligence to answer some question, rather than this obsession of yours to ask infantile question, just to register your empty presence all the time. Lets have something knowledgeable contribution from you for a change - it does get boring.

  7. It makes you look mean and like a bully and it hide your resseding hairline too! And some idiots thinks it lokes cool.

  8. so the receeding hairline doesnt look as noticable

  9. Convenience. And yeah, I got myself tonsured once, and my friends and I liked the looks of it.

    I dont see myself losing hair any soon...I m waiting to sport a chrome dome myself...someday :-D.

  10. Michael Jordan made it cool to be bald, but it came out of the fact that his hair was coming out. He was such a great athlete that he was able to have peole look beyond something that had until then been a reason to make fun of people. Now it's trendy.

  11. Um, I think the quote is "a WOMAN's hair is her crowning glory."  Isn't it a paraphrase from a Bible verse?  And some religions site it as a reason why women should never cut their hair?  But, whatever . . .

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