
A good homeschool curriculum for HIGH SCHOOL grade 10 that has HISTORY/READING/ENGLISH?

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Anyone know of a good complete curriculum that encompasses history, reading, and english? For grade 10. I know of sonlight but it is quite costly. Any other options besides creating your own?




  1. I have a friend who used

    It's a correspondence school, so they send everything and then grade it.  It has a very traditional curriculum.

    Good luck :D

  2. Look at K12's high school offerings:

    They have awesome courses!

  3. Use A WORD IN SEASON curriculum. It encompasses HISTORY/READING/ENGLISH. The curriculum is excellent, and I LOVE it.

  4. I went to a Christian high school that used A.C.E.  Pace's.  Each subject costs about 38.00 for the year.  I highly recommend it.  Everyone who took AP college courses in my school were AHEAD of the freshmen and sophomore college students.  When I went to college full time, I had a leg up on the other freshmen, because I had a better knowledge of english, writing, literature and history.  Incidentally, I graduated with a degree in History and a minor in English.  I hated history until high school.  Very good program.

    You can find it at  I hope this helps.


  6. My nephew uses Christian Liberty Press but he hates it and is going back to Sonlight next year!

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