
A good opinion article idea?

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it's almost summer, so i want to kind of tie it in with summer vaca.

its for my school paper.

any idea what to write it about?




  1. Not all learning is done in a classroom. There are many places to spend vacation time and learn something as well. Even staying in your own city can teach you some things.

    I'm not saying this learning is formal or even consciously done.

    How about just going to a library and picking out books to read. Or movies to watch? Or music?

    Take it to the beach and observe and journal or photograph  interesting things around you.

    Make a trip (car. train, plane) an informal geography or map reading exercise. What are navigators for?

    Visit museums, landmarks, just hang out and observe and listen. Things will get interesting.

    Explore a hobby passion or develop a new one.

    Camp letters become a mini-journal. Or e-mails, or tapes sent from a vacation destination to parents, friends at home.

    This need not interfere with the "fun" aspect of a holiday. Use the writing as a "winding down time" before going to sleep for the night.

    A photo record of activities can be gathered and "forgotten" until you show them off to friends/family when you get home. This storytelling creates an oral history and improves memory and language skill.

    Use all five senses to explore your surroundings and learn many new and interesting things even on  a school vacation.

    You did not ask for a title for your article, however, may I suggest: Summer Studies to go along with my suggestions?.

    Or The Value of a Vacation or  Learning Little Lessons from Life  or     An Examination of Experiences

    Maybe your "opinion" is No Way, No School for Two Months Yah!!! Just turn my ideas l80 degrees and negate my arguements or make a satirical or humourous piece for your school paper.

  2. I am the Editor of my newspaper staff ESCOHI. Why dont you do a senior edition or do a poll and ask students what they plan on doing for summer vacation, write about whats hot this summer and whats not, write about summer activities just anything as long as it is interesting. Make a word search puzzle off the internet.

  3. Hi xchristy, How about upcoming "concert venues"?. Since your in a band, it might be quite appropiate. Plus it's something you can definately relate too...right? Good Luck! OXXO Moonchild

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