
A good paranormal gift?

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My dad LOVES ghost hunters on SciFi, and he asked for "something paranormal". I need to get somethign that follows teh scientific approach to ghost hunting that they use on the show (no wako stuff). Any good books, DVDs, investigation tools? We have a EMF detector, tape recorder, and thermometer already. Thanks!




  1. There's a Book published by the Readers Digest long ago.It has lot of authentic presentations and statements with some photographs and hand drawn pictures.The name of the Book is " Mysteries of the Unexplained".I think , it was published in early 1980's.

    I know there are some who are endowed with paranormal gift....some explain it in a different way......calling it "ESP", meaning, Extra Sensory Perception.

    I have my own experience in this field.I love to have inter action with someone of similar capability.

    Contact me through my another email address, which is ........        ....  I will tell my own acquired ability in this, which I got as gift, that's it.

  2. I don't know....just DON'T get him a Quija Board!!!!PLEASE!!!

  3. a ouija board, or a subscription to a paranormalist magazine. night vision could also be useful for ghosthunting in the dark.

  4. Hello There,

    Since your dad enjoys the scientific approach to ghost hunting, I'm sure he would love the following books:

    Ghost Hunter's Guidebook (most recommended, IMO):

    How to Hunt Ghosts : A Practical Guide:

    How To Be A Ghost Hunter:

    As far as equipment goes, I'm sure he would absolutely LOVE a digital MP3 recorder. As a ghost hunter myself, this is my most prized piece of equipment. I don't go anywhere without it. They are great for capturing EVP's, they don't require tapes, the files can be automatically downloaded to the PC and they only take a second to set up. (All you have to do is power it on and then hit record.) You can get a good MP3 recorder for $20.00-$40.00 at most department stores.

    Happy shopping! :-)

  5. Get him a gift certificate to a local ghost tour, if you have them. There's a real good one here in Chicago that uses a nice tour bus and people seem to really like it. Maybe there's something like that nearby.

  6. Could apply for a spirit license and have a boozy Christmas..

  7. Hello

    How about a pendulum or dowsing rod?

    Or a book on Remote Viewing?


  8. Walmart sells those head band miner's lights. Get the kind that has bright, dim and infrared.As a former ghost hunter that was real handy when you're creeping about in the dark, Great for camping too!

  9. What might make a great gift is to get him an infra red camera for taking pictures or videos in the dark.

        I am in a Great Paranormal Group and we use alto of equipment and use that kind of camera.  I love it.  Maybe you could try and find a Paranormal Group and see if they are taking on new members.  If not then see if you and he can go on an Investigation with them.  Check them out to make sure they are reputable also

         And Stay Far Away From Ouija Boards. They are evil and I had to find out the hard way.

             Good Luck with your Dad's gift!

  10. You might take a look at the book "Ghost Tech" (link below).

    The most scientific approach per video that I have seen on haunting investigations is offered by the Parapsychology Foundation (link below).

    If you have almost unlimited funds I have always thought it would be nice to have an Ion counter (link below) on investigations.

    Also Sony makes a videocamera with infrared capabilities it is available in tape still as well as one time use miniCDs.

    Another model basically has a hard drive like a computer but it produces no tape or CD (that can't be easily altered). So it shoots longer but as evidence it would be questionable.

  11. You say you don't want anything wacko, but then say you have an EMF detector, a thermometer and a tape recorder (presumably for EVPs).  So I don't know of any other wacko things out there that you don't already have.

  12. i love those shows too....try to find a medium near him and take him....that would be such a gift to remember...

  13. Buy him a years subscription to awesome site

  14. Trent Brandon's Ghost Hunters Bible


  15. books by sylvia browne or tickets to a mind.body,spirit festival...check out Spirit and Destiny Magazine

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