
A good place for me to find a potential BF who is Vegetarian/Buddhist in Miami?

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I basically wanna find someone artistic and I wanna know potential places I already know about networking site like

But i wanna meet someone in real life face to face you know




  1. hey go to your local veggie restaurant, and check out the locals there. also if you get to know the owners, maybe they can help you find your soul mate!

    Oh and go to yoga sessions. - again make friends.

    Your goal is to make connections with people that are vegetarian or know vegetarian Buddhist.

    And for heave sake girly have fun! This is your journey for your mate, - so have fun glam it up, make it s**y and have lots of fun! - And even if you don't met the guy right away, have fun with the "mean time men". - This journey is about you learning about yourself and finding love.

    Have fun - good luck in finding your heart's wishes!

  2. Maybe go to Whole Foods and Trader Joe's stores and try to hang out and chat to people. I've noticed in Whole Foods especially people just come up to you and start talking to you and are really friendly, I already met this one vegan that's from his forum in Whole Foods just a block from my house! Up until then we had never known one another's face, LOL. Now I say hi everytime I see him there.

    So just open yourself up and get talking. Plus, Vegetarian/Buddhist might be a pretty tough combo, but maybe a very open-minded, Zen type of vegetarian will suffice? Vegetarians are 2-5% of the population anyway, so to narrow it down to the religion as well, plus to narrow it down to single men in your age, might really make it very hard.

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