
A good place to buy horse run ins?

by  |  earlier

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we have been looking around and cannot find anything that we like or that is reasonable. We are just looking for a simple run in 3 or 4 sided so the horses can get out of the weather. We can assemble them. They need to be atleast 12X12. Please leave a company name that you have used and like and a link would be really appreciated. I am located in Illinois if that makes a difference. Thanks.




  1. If you can assemble a run-in...why not just build one yourselves?  That's what we do.

    Then again, we live in a rural area and don't have to deal with permits or anything.

    Have you tried typing in 'portable' shelters.  Those are quick to assemble, yet last a long time in the field.  ANd that way you can bypass a permit for an outbuilding...because it can be moved.

    I can't remember the brand of the ones around here right now...If I think of it...I will post it.

  2. If you find something that you like, but it is a bit pricey, save up.

    It is better to get a more expensive run in that will last years, rather than a cheap one that won't last as long.

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