
A good reason to miss volleyball practice?

by  |  earlier

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what's a good excuse to not go to volleyball practice?


i'm going to be wayyy busy tomorrow.




  1. You fell and tried to catch yourself and landed on your wrists.

  2. appearantly you are not into vb as much as i am.

    no matter what i would not miss practice

  3. there is none!!! unless a family member (not ur pet) died...

    u commited to ur team...stick w/ ur commitment

  4. you need to take a pregnancy test

  5. diarrhea, you pooped yourself

    who's going to verify?

  6. hemroids

  7. your sick

  8. well tell the coatch that you have alot of things to do and just be upfrount about it and they will understand, but try not to over do it, then he or she will get angry.

    but i will say that i pulled a museal on my leg and i like to not practice today and try to go tomarrow

  9. they change your work schedule and you have to work (babysit)

  10. Apparently your excuse is that you're too busy. Because if you really loved playing, you'd make sure that you could go to all the practises. You should evaluate your priorities and decide if volleyball is one of them. If not, quit. You're taking up a roster spot for someone that would be there all the time.

  11. Tell your coach you're exhausted from too much s*x.

  12. Depends if you coach makes you get a doctors not or not, you could say you need to go to the doctors, or the dentist.. maybe you need to babysit.. say your mom is sick or w/e.. or you have a meeting.. think a little =] Good Luck

    i dont play volleyball but my friend does, we have the same coach for bball and v-ball (small school) .. shes a *****.. we cant miss practice or we will sit a whole game.. we run alot, last year they never won very many games.. urgh.. this makes me mad, well she does =]

  13. OMG.. did you forget already? you hit your knee when you were climbing stairs and now it hurts when you put pressure on it.

  14. say u got jumped by some people


    u went to go another sport cuz volleyball bored u

  15. you hurt your arm,wrist,or anything like that

  16. you shouldnt not go to volleyball just because you dont want to!

    then you are letting down your team, if you dont want to got o practice, then just quit!

    if we miss more than 3 practices, we get kicked off our team!

  17. You have to take your girlfriend to get an abortion.

  18. huh....

    there nobody 2 pick me up after pratice or i have 2 babysitt my younger brother/sister,or  i have a doctor or dentist apointment

  19. nothing really....

    if you absolutly can't and have a very good reason talk to your coach...don't give him some bs excuse

  20. You could either,

    Tell the coach the truth and promise it will never happen again,


    if a girl; crams XD

    if a guy; Stomach Ache..

    *Just remember to not feel well the whole day*

  21. Your funeral

  22. You've got a dentist appt. Say you can go for like 20 minutes but you've gotta meet your mom to go to the dentist at __(insert time here)__.I had an actuall appt. once and she let me go w/o questions.

  23. Here's a good question.  Isn't practice the same time everyday?  So, you scheduled stuff over practice?  Or if you're way too busy to spend a couple of hours of practice and can't complete anything else.

    Maybe you should evaluate your committments.  It appears that you have too many things happening in your life to play volleyball.

    However, if you must miss practice, make your excuse "school related".  Most coaches want school to come first and sports second.  If you get in trouble with your coach because you had school related work, you can bring that up with the athletic director.  

    BUT, you'd be lying anyways.  So, you're screwed either way.

  24. I don't think any suggestion would satify you, why don't you just go to the practice and find an easier excuse for those other business that could NOT REALLY make you "way busy"?

  25. A family emergency...and if your coach asks what say it is kinda personal and add a few blushes for the finale or if ur a girl say its embrassing and you don't want to talk about it and may not be in for a few days.

  26. Don't Punk out on Volleyball practice!!!

  27. the dog ate my shoes

  28. Beer Drinking

  29. just tell the coach ur not gonna b there an its none of his buisness

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