
A good screen recorder for mac?

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i have an imac ad i need a screen recorder that will:

-not have lag

-able to edit in imovie


-no watermark

-record for as long as you want

please if you have one tell =)




  1. I've got the same problem. I need one that doesn't lag, is free, records for as long as you want, no watermarks in the free trials, trial does not expire, choose where you want to record (AI, not full screen record only, I hate that), able to edit in iMovie, etc....
    There is this one called Camtasia but the free trial for mac is full screen record only, but it's able to edit in iMovie, and you can record for as long as you want, the only thing is, you only get it for 30 days, and it's over $100.

    It's VERY hard to find a good screen recorder for mac that's free, I tried iShowU but there is a huge watermark across the screen for the entire thing, and my dad is unemployed right now so we can't buy it, I've looked EVERYWHERE for one, but no luck.
    They either lag of have watermarks.

    But anyway, if you don't mind full screen record only and don't need it for longer than 30 days, google "Camtasia for Mac OS X Free Trial", it doesn't lag at all, and it's iMovie compatible.

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