
A good small pet that would be good with a dog and cat?

by  |  earlier

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I wanted to know if any one knows like the best hamster/guinea pig type pet, that's not hard to lose[get out of cage], won't pee on me, and my pets won't get a hold of. I've ha hamsters, but they "escape" and my cat eats them... and I've had like, 10 hermit crabs, but they ate eachother.. i don't know what to get, helppppp! my birthday is on August 29th, so it'd be awesome if you could tell me soon so i can tell me mom what i want (: thankss<3




  1. Go with a hedgehog.

    They have self protection from other household pets, far better than a guinea pig or a hamster.   They can&#039;t climb so no worries there.

    As for peeing on you... well I can&#039;t answer that, when ya gotta go.. you gotta go.

  2. I have a cat, a dog and a rabbit (lionhead).

    I&#039;ve only had the bunny for like 3 weeks or so.

    He&#039;s never gotten out of the cage, never peed on me and so far nobody has gotten their hands on.

  3. Ferrets.

    Ferrets usually get along well with dogs and cats. They get along great with people. The cat might fight with them a bit in the beginning, but eventually they&#039;ll get used to each other and even play alot together.

    It&#039;s usually best to have a cage for the ferret because they are VERY curious and if you aren&#039;t keeping an eye on them they can sometimes crawl into cabinets or under the stove or something and get stuck. You can let them out of the cage to play when you want to.

    Ferrets will sleep like 16 hours a day, but when they wake up, they will want to play with you or with the other animals. They are very social and LOVE to play. They like the same type of toys that cats like, usually. Ferrets also like to play &#039;tug-o-war&#039;, so get like an old, beat up towel or something that you can use to play tug-o-war with them.

    They are most active during dusk and dawn.

    When they get excited, they jump around alot and make a funny hissing/clicking sound. A lot of people get scared about this, but don&#039;t worry. What it really means is that the ferret is happy and excited and having fun fun fun!!

    Ferrets are very playful and affectionate. I think one will make a good addition to your pet family. They use a different type of litter than your cat does (don&#039;t give them cat litter, because the dust can choke their breathing) and they eat different food than the other animals (Ferret food needs to be higher in fatty proteins than both cat and dog food) so make sure you keep the ferret&#039;s litter and food inside the ferret&#039;s cage where the cat and dog won&#039;t eat it, and don&#039;t let the ferret eat the cat&#039;s food or the dog&#039;s food.

  4. fish




    make sure you have a lid

  5. hi i think u should get a bird well they might fly away but u can leave the cage up high and its easier to clean there cage or a rabbit but u need to teach it to use the letter box and the cage might cost more.

  6. I think a bunny is the best pet you could have while having dogs and

    cats too. I have three dogs and three cats, and also a bunny. Neither

    the dogs nor cats try to harm him, and when we let him out of his cage

    he really only stays in one spot. And they are easy to handle, mine has

    never tried to bite me. And he has never peed on me either haha. The only

    thing you really have to look out for are their toenails. But if you keep

    them clipped, you won&#039;t have to worry about them either~~~

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