
A good way to make a face mask?

by Guest66870  |  earlier

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a good way to make a face mask that would really clean your face because i get acne really bad




  1. How to Make Your Own Acne Treatment

    Use cold water. Fill an empty 1 gallon jug with water and put it in the freezer for 2 hours. Pour the water into a bowl, then dip your face in the water for 25 seconds (5 dips for 5 seconds each). Repeat a few times every day.

    Make a soap mixture. Put a bar of soap in a small container. Boil a cup of water and pour it over the soap in the container. Close the container and keep it shut for at least 2-3 hours or until the soap dissolves. Wash your face normally and make sure it's dry and not oily. Get the mix that is in your container and spread it around your face; be generous while applying. Let it dry. Then wash your face out very gently using a face sponge. Do this 1 to 2 times a day, but no more than two because then your skin might over-dry and peel.

    Create a face mask using a solution of one finely crushed aspirin tablet per tablespoon of cold cream. Spread over your face, wait 3-5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

    Mix 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, 2 teaspoons of lime juice, 1/2 cup of apple sauce, and 1/4 cup of ranch dressing. You should have created a thick creamy substance. Baking soda and water will also work.

    Rub on your face, neck, and back in full motion circles that will allow the cream to get into your pores.

    Let this sit on your face for around 10 minutes.

    Wash off with a washcloth drenched in ice cold water.

    Repeat 1-2 times a day, until your zits are gone!

    Make a strong acne solution by diluting 50% apple cider vinegar with 50% clean pure water. Once acne has improved, keep it at bay with a milder solution of 20% apple cider vinegar and 80% water. Do not use cheap vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is about $3-4 for a large bottle at any supermarket (more at health food stores). It will last months.

    Put on mint toothpaste to help dry up pimples. Wear it overnight and wash it off the next morning. This is a classic home treatment.

    Use hair conditioner. Not many people would expect this, but it works very well to clean out and NOT irritate the skin. Rub it on any area affected by acne. If the area with conditioner on it gets itchy, or for any reason you are compelled to touch the area, refrain. Do not touch it. Leave the conditioner on the affected area for approximately a half an hour. Then, when the chosen time is up, wipe it off gently.

    Try chili peppers. This sounds counterintuitive, but chili peppers help reduce the swelling of a pimple due to its high concentrations of vitamin C and antioxidants.

    Wash your face thoroughly.

    Crush a chilly pepper into a bowl or similar container.

    Add a small amount of hot water.

    Apply the liquid to your pimple(s). You may apply it with a q-tip, but do this at least twice a day. Avoid getting the liquid in your eyes or near sores and lacerations as it will most likely cause irritation.

    Try swimming! The chlorine in the water dries up acne. Be carefull, though. Too much pool water can damage your hair and dry up your skin too much. Once a week is usually enough.


    Never scratch at a pimple scab or at a pimple; It WILL leave a mark.

    Use suntan lotion

    NEVER use Peroxide

  2. Hm.. one I tried was oatmeal (with a little bit of water) and bananas mixed together. I also put rubbing alcohol on my face and sometimes baby cream on my face before I go to bed.. It usually works!

    Can someone help me with my questions?


  3. If you put orange juice, not low fat or fat free but like full fat yogurt and maybe a little bit of instant oatmeal (not cooked) make sure its more pasty than liquidy so less orange juice but if you put it on for maybe about 20 minutes or so, rinse it off than wash your face with a good acne cleanser you will see great results. Also lots of face masks use honey, yogurt, fruit, and oatmeal. So try looking up some on the internet because alot of them look great.  

  4. well if you have zits use a avocodo wash your face with it with hint of lemon or was it lime i think lemon cant remember lmao

  5. you know yougert when its expired put it on your face for about an hour its good

    please answer mine

  6. Well, it depends on what kind of mask you want to firm mash up some grapes with apple juice and spread on then wash off. If you want to cool off, put applesause on then wasf it off. If you have oily skin Strawberries and Kiwis remove axcess oil. mash them into a paste and leave it on for a few minutes. Avocados and bananas will moisturize you face, leave the paste on for a few minutes. Mayonnaise is very good for you face, leave it on for 20 minutes. Mashed tomatoes will refine pores, put it on then wash it off. For a quick exfoliating scurb mix honey, cornmeal, and milk let it thicken then wash off. If you have very oily skin beating an egg, until it holds it shape, and leaving it on for 20 minutes you face will be oil free for for days. Plain yogurt is good for irritated skin, leave it on for a few minutes.

    hope that helps.  

  7. brown sugar and water (mix half and half)

  8. Umm your probably better to buy one. But i do know a couple, they dont specilise in helping acne but they are pretty good

    Yogurt, Honey + Oats


    Squished strawberrys + Sugar + Water

    (The sugar + oats help to scrub your face so you could use something else similar like salt or something)


  9. Check out  They have some great ones!

  10. face masks could make ur skin very irritated

    try proactiv. thats wut i use and it works very well

    also try something like yoga or meditation to reduce stress level in case ur acne is from stress

    also try eating less junk food (greesy food)

    and try not puting ur hair in ur face because the oils in ur hair could cause acne

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