
A good woman's shelter to donate to??

by Guest32303  |  earlier

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My co-worker wants to donate alot of her things and her daughters to a woman's shelter. We heard that the people working the shelters will go through it first and whatever they dont want they will give to the women who truely need the stuff. Where can she donate that maybe you have used and trust?

P.S. we live in Atlanta. Thanks




  1. Planned Parenthood and NOW are some of the best organization for women that I know.  To donate to shelters, giving clothes, diapers, toilet paper and food is helpful.  Look for domestic abuse shelters.  Probably the worst one needs supplies the most and handles the most extreme cases.

  2. send your money to:



    County Antrim


    The postman will find it because his wife attends it regularly

  3. Any women's shelter in Atlanta will welcome your donation. The people working at the shelters will NOT go through it first. Don't trust "what you hear". If you have any doubts, then call each shelter and ask them how they insure that your donation will go to those who most need it.

    Be advised that the shelter may NOT accept all of the things your co-worker wants to donate. Shelters often have no large facilities to store such things.

  4. please try a reffugee camp in africa needsa a lot of things

  5. they all work their butts off to make sure women who are in serious need of them are protected. while they are all worthy why not try asking the police to recommend one? or your lawyer??? they deal with battered and abused women all the time and know these places very well.

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