
A goodbye gift?

by  |  earlier

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one of my students is moving far away and will be leaving my class she is 2 yrs old.and i would like to send her a nice lil gift from the class and me any ideas?




  1. Pictues are the way to go. You should make an album with tons of pictures of the class and his class mates and have her little friends paint their hainds in the album. Thta sounds cute.

  2. Little kids are not that precise. You can pick a few of these if you'd like to.

    1. Stuffed animal

    2. Coloring Book

    3. Washable Markers

    4. Crayons

  3. Get her a stuffed bear and a picture frame with a picture of the class.

  4. The gift has to be a remembrance, It could be a book and put a letter on the book with the names of the class or messages to her...

  5. have the other kids draw a picture and tell you something they enjoyed or especially liked about the child - then staple it together and add a picture of the class.

  6. Your gift needs to be personal.  I would recommend a teddy with her name on it. You can buy personalised teddy bears on the internet or local card shops.  I also think its a good idea that all the children and yourself create a big card for her and as the others said a photograph so that she can see you's all everyday.

  7. Maybe put together a little album of the class, a pic of her best buds, her school, you her teacher.  Take some pictures of her playing with her friends and doing everyday things.  Then at the end write a little note on how much she will be missed.
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