
A great place to live???

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My girlfriend and I have been dreaming big since we got together. We want to get married and have a nice country house somewhere up north (Mass. N.Y. Vermont). We want to be away from tornadoes hurricanes ect. We both love snow so we want to go somewhere where the weather is nice in the summer and cold in the winter. She wants to do something in the medical industry and I want to do something with fire investigations. Any suggestions?...Look on Yahoo! images and type vermont country, we want to live in a place like that. Or a place where it looks like the setting of the movie "Hocus Pocus".

Any suggestions or info?

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  1. awww a couple in love maybe u guys should go to florida or somewhere u love because lovers should go somewhere that love=]

  2. Somewhere in Utah.  You can get any kind of setting you want there.  Try Park City or Heber its PERFECT!!!  Good luck!

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