
A great place to study abroad for College? plz Help!!?

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I need a place thats great to go for a year, A place that the culture is rich and the experience is great! Help!!!!




  1. Try to visit  this website which I just came across, a lot of useful information on study abroad:


  2. It's really difficult to give a definitive answer because a 'great' place and experience really depends on what you're looking for. I'd suggest researching what cultures and languages would interest you or what you'd like to do/learn. If you're looking to study a certain subject like architecture, history or literature, that might determine what would be a good place for you (say, going to Italy to study the architecture there or England to study Shakespeare). Also, you should think about what kind of a place would interest you. If you like big cities, you might be disappointed if you go to an area known for its outdoor activities or if you like to surf, maybe you should go somewhere with beaches.

    If you're going to go to a university or school, you should also keep in mind that different countries have different academic systems and structures so you'll have to figure out if you can adjust to a different method of teaching and grading. Some schools in other countries may expect more of their students so stuff like that might determine where you want to go.

    There are a lot of places rich in culture but I think a big factor would be what kinds of experiences you're looking for as one person's idea of a 'good' study abroad experience definitely isn't another person's. You might want to be in a program that gives you a lot of exposure to the locals and culture or you might want a program that will have a lot of English speakers and keep you in your comfort zone. Keep in mind how willing you are to step out of your comfort zone. Going to a place like rural China might be too different for you (depending on your tastes) or maybe going to a place like Australia won't be different enough for you.

    Personally, I'd love to go to Italy, Mexico, England, New Zealand, France, Thailand and/or most of Europe to study abroad, if I must give a specific place.

    Sorry I can't give you a specific answer as there's not a lot of info to work on, so good luck in your search and figuring out what works for you.

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