I currently have more of a mountain bike than a street bike. Its pretty heavy, the tires are pretty thick, and it can take a lot to get it going. I'm looking for more of a street bike with changeable gears as opposed to a single gear. Something that is lighter, has skinnier tires, and preferably has vertical handlebars as wells as the traditional horizontal ones. I'm looking for the style that the racers in the Olympics use (style, not the exact high performance bike). I would appreciate the brand that a bike like that is, and if they have many lines of bikes, the model as well. I would like to keep the price under $1,000. I'll use it more for going on bike rides ranging from 2-10 to 15-30 miles, around my neighborhood, to some restaurants and shops near my house, and to hang out with friends. Again, something light, comfortable, and quick would be ideal. Thanks, cheers!