
A gsxr 600 or a cbr 600 race with perfectly equal riders. what would win.?

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are you saying that im a punk and i want to be something else, or that i want to be a punk? I dont see how either relates to the question seeing as how i didnt ask "what band is more HxC Good Charlotte or Simple Plan ".

Why are there so many stupid people?




  1. thats how punk wannabes  like you get killed

  2. As Top Crontrib, Proc says, on the RACING track there are too many factors to be able to answer this question.

    One rider will suit one type of bike and be able to beat the next man.

    Change track and it can be a different result altogther.

  3. The gsxr 600 is the faster of the two, it would be close but  the gsxr would win

  4. I would totally smoke you both on my FZR600

  5. I think it would still have variables. weather, track, Tyres, who set the bikes up suspension wise for the type of track. how tuned up each bike is.

    its no good saying all the same, the forks are different as standard, the angle settings are different as standard. all the things that can be changed for each corner come into play.

    everything down to air intake has to be taken into account.

    both bikes as standard are very close to start with but they do have their differences.

    its like taking 2 of the same brand. one will still be quicker than the other straight out of the box.

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