Does anyone know any good sources for Vegetarians who are just starting out? Vegetarian websites? Online Vegetarian Communities? I'm giving up all meat, fish included. Eggs are okay though. Also I have a quick question. As a vegetarian, are you still allowed to eat meat broth? Like, having chicken ramen? Is that okay? Or if mom bakes chicken, can I still use the broth to season my rice?
I guess, to answer my second question, you have to know why I'm becoming a vegetarian. I simply am trying to be earth friendly. Did you know that there are no cows in the natural habitat in America? They are bread primarily for food. I don't like that. I don't like how humans only use animals as a resource and only care about the animal once they are on the brink of extinction. I'm not putting animals before humans. But I feel that humans have a responsibility to live with animals. Not just use them. I'm taking other steps toward being Green too but right now, I'm focused on this.