
A guy did a gross thing to me!?

by  |  earlier

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I went to a party yeserday yest erfriends house yesterday and we were having a lot of fun until a load of older guys gatecrashed (most people there were 15 which is my age) and the guys who gate crashed were 17. i guess no one wanted to kick them out because theyre like the coolest guys in our school, alot of girs fancy them, theyre in a band you know the sort.

They'd all been drinking and were all pretty rowdy. i was talking to the one i fancied because i kind of already know him as he used to live down my street and i was pretty exited to talk to him. anyway he was beginning to annoy me coz of his drunkness and he kept trying to force beer down my neck. so i drank some but not much because i HATE the taste of beer with a passion. he kept coming on to me but i dont know i just felt stange so i just sort of ignored it. eventually he told me to close my eyes he wanted to show me something so i did. then he asked me to hold out my hand and again i did i didn't know what he was up to but i thought it must have been funny because he kept laughing to himself and he had a weird smile on his face. so he grabbed my hand and stuck it down his pants. by this time i was just grossed coz that is not a nice thing to do so i started yelling at him then i just went home pretty pissed off. i told my friend today what happened and she was totally unsympathetic; she told me i totally over reacted he was probably just having a laugh but i dont feel that way. he sent me a text today apologising just saying he was drunk and asked me to go out with him. i thought he was nice before but now i dotn know if i ccould stand to go out with him. he has no idea how repulsive what he did was




  1. umm well i think he was just drunk n stupid if you want to go out with him then go but if notthen dont i mean if you do go out with him watch out to see if he makes you uncomfortable but i think he was just drunk i wouldnt tho

  2. No, sounds like a jackass to me.

  3. i dont think you should go out with a guy like that. in the future he may do something worse.

  4. You don't need to put up w/ that, he is gross and obviously has no respect for you.  His loss- tell him to stick his own hands down his pants!  

  5. This is why you need to NOT go to parties where people are getting drunk.

    You should not have been there to begin with, and you should have left as soon as people started getting drunk, because things like this (and much worse) ALWAYS happen like this.

    And this guy WILL do this kind of thing again. He's using the alcohol as an excuse to be the jerk he really is.

  6. yeah when people are drunk like that they tend to do stupid sh*t that is totally out of their character, like my cousins boyfriend is like a genious and makes almost 500,000 a year and owns his own company. anway, he is usually really preppy and reserved. we got him drunk once and he caused THE BIGGEST SCENE and he even knocked a ole in the hotel room door!! it was crazy i have never seen him do anything like this! totally out of character. he is older than you and he knows u like him and wanted to be funny,, he was drunk and other guys were aound and he wanted to be cool,, guys are stupid like that. i would forgive him but be a little rude and cold too, let him know that was SOO not cool! and tell him that u r not that kind of girl and not to confuse u with his male friends. but if u like him, go out with him

  7. it was because he's drunkk& i know you're supposed to laugh it off and he seems like a cool guy but he shouldn't treat you like that if he liked you.

    he was drunk, but now you know how he is when he's buzzed.

    make the right decision, and see where it takes you

  8. LAWL U GOT PLAYED and if you go out with him u=your gonna get played again

  9. omg you should have given him a hand job! he obv really likes you and your really pretty and stuff so you should defo go out with him! dont miss your chance with a could get some proper action; your need to start doing stuff like that so you get practice and stuff. he will do stuff to you as well lol.

    answer mine please :)

  10. bye bye boyfriend :(

  11. That's a very rude thing to do,

    but maybe the beer had impacted his better judgement.

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