
A guy friend wants to come to my all girl baby shower...?

by  |  earlier

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I didn't really say it was just for girls, but I thought it was kind of implied. I was talking to him about it online, and he said not to forget to send him an invite. I'm not sure what to say to him. I have not invited any other guys, my husband won't even be there (who is his close friend). All of the prizes are for girls, also. So, I'm not sure what to say or do about it...any ideas? (I don't want to be mean, or rude)




  1. Tell him it's strictly a girl thing.....just like a stag for a wedding is strictly a guy thing!

  2. Tell him no.  The whole atmosphere changes when there is a male around.

  3. just tell him sorry its just for girls

  4. if he wants to come celebrate with you why not let him?

  5. Just tell him its girls only... say that your husband isnt even going to be there. He will understand.

  6. just tell him there will be a alllllllot of estrogen in the room see if that scares him off if not just tell him

  7. Tell him it's an only girl party but he can go hang out with your husband during the party.

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