
A guy from the IRS is ******* my mom. Should I tell my dad?

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The guy from the IRS is really nice. His name is Bill. I walked in on him and my mom a couple times but they were totally cool about it. I mean, he wears a condom so it's not THAT big a deal.

My dad's at work when Bill comes. I don't think my dad really know. I mean, Bill and my dad are REALLY GREAT friends and they say things like "I'm gonna shove a toothpick up your ***" to each other all the time. My dad met Bill when he was arrested for tax evasion, I think. Not Bill, my dad. My dad's a good guy, though. A good guy. He works for Bank of America. He's been doing well for my mom and me.

Anyway- I don't think my dad knows. So should I tell him? I mean, Bill and my dad are friends and all so I don't think it'll be THAT big a deal. My mom's been really nice about it too, even though she told me not to tell my dad. She asks me to bring up drinks and stuff for them. At least I'm not ignored.

So should I tell my dad what's going on? My sister thinks I should, but she's pretty much a cry-baby. She thinks it's a really big deal. But I know it's not. Bill's a nice guy. Like a really, really nice guy. He talks about football with me.

I don't think my dad needs to know. But I wouldn't be scared to tell him. Should I?




  1. he definately needs to know your mother is cheating oin him & what a friend to your dad thats just fricken insane...

  2. Thank you for the 2 points.

  3. let me tell you something: cheating on your spouse will always be a big deal. what you need to do is tell your mom that u know, and tell her that if she doesnt tell him herself, you will. he has to know. this isnt fair to him, and it's not fair to you or your sister either. its gonna really suck for a while, but your parents should be able to work it out.  

  4. Tell your mom to stop being such a s***k

  5. Is this a real question?  It sounds too fake for a real answer.

  6. Yeah, usually dads like to hear that kind of stuff.  The way you explain it makes it obvious that everything that's going on is A.O.K.

    Your dad sounds like a good sport.  Tell him about this so him and Bill have even more stuff to joke each other about.

    Sisters are sometimes weird.  She just doesn't get it.  But, my guess is that if you tell your dad, she'll start to see the humour in the situation and will brighten up a bit.  Maybe she won't be so much of a cry-baby anymore.

    You should plan out how you're going to tell your dad.  Maybe make some funny kind of video showing you "mistakenly" interupting your mother and Bill.  Or, maybe you could make a video of something your dad really wants to see, and in the middle of it have a clip of your mom and Bill together.

    It's up to you though.  What do YOU think?

  7. yes if bills a good guy he should keep his stuff in his pants when he knows shes with someone else try to take a picture for evidence then tell your dad if your telling the truth

  8. im curious how old all of you guys are?

  9. I would tell him just because it's not fair that your mom is playing him like that.  He will get mad but he won't be mad at you, he'll be mad at the whole situation.

  10. just tell him.. he's going to find out anyways

  11. one word, therapy. this is easy. think of how your life will be when you tell your dad about it. if your life is gonna be worse when he finds out, don't tell him. if life will be pretty much the same if he knows then don't tell and give him subtle hints about it so that this wont be on your conscience. good luck. ok that was more than one word

  12. Get a life.

  13. i think youre dad has a right to know the truth.

    you're mum's having an affair and thats not right in a relationship..


  14. This is either one of the best stories and you should write a novel or it is like a Reality TV Show if it is true.

    My advice if it is true--don't say squat. The minute you say something you own the whole result and now it is yours to carry around. So, let the others deal with their own c**p they created and deal with the results.

  15. Are you serious?

    Your mom has you serve them stuff while entertaining her lover which is your dad's best friend?

    And you think your dad will be ok with it?

    WOW, what a Mom you got there!

  16. You expect us to believe this?  If you were telling the truth I must ask you this - What kind of mother would act in this manner and involve their children?  You are treated like waitstaff and that is okay because "atleast you're not being ignored?"  Whatever.  

  17. this was such a stupid story to make up

  18. OMG, his name is not Bill. That's my UNCLE, his name is really SAM, and believe, me he does that more than you can imagine! You should see him in his 4th of July outfit! He has a pony, he may let you ride it. He likes to display feathers in his hat, he's not all there though, because he says it's called macaroni, I don't get it do you? He also likes music and dancing, so he's really handy with the girls.

    Well, I'll be a Yankee Doodle Dandy, it's a small world!  ;-)

  19. Are you prepared for your family to fall apart?  Your parents to divorce, possibly never seeing your mom/dad on a daily basis (depending on who gets custody) etc?

    It's your parents business.  Stay out of it.

  20. I think you should stay out of it. Your mom will hate you for it and then your dad is going to go to jail for trying to kill the both of them. I know it's hard but just keep it to yourself.

  21. You mom is a w***e and your dad should know about it.  NO mother should expose her child to her infidelity.  That is borderline child abuse.  

  22. nope don't say anything. Always good to have a friend in the IRS. And it gives you something to shoot at your mom when she turns you down for something you may want

  23. Well, he can't be too nice if he's having an affair with your mom. You should tell your dad. If you don't care, and your mom doesn't care, then why shouldn't your dad care? But he has a right to know. Or confront your mom or Bill and tell them to back off otherwise you will tell. That's what I think you should do at least:)

  24. lets just say you don't tell and one day u and your siblings are gone, your dad comes home early from work and he catches them in the act, now would it be better if u told? or, would him finding out like that make all h**l break loose?? what goes around comes around and your mom is dead *** wrong to have an affair in the house when u and your siblings are home, in the same bed your dad sleeps in, someone he is friends with, and to even act like she doesn't care.

    this is some jerry springer S**t

  25. HEY YOU GUYS, this is obviously a made up story. Thanks for the 2 easy points though.

  26. Awe shucks, that's cute. Don't worry about anything, there's no need to tell Dad, Bank of America is doing it to all it's shareholders too!

    Good Luck,  ;-)

    Really!  Hmn!

  27. Kenny, it's Bill. Don't tell your Dad, I'll bring you a puppy!

    Your a GREAT kid!

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